Emma Campbell-Jones

Emma Campbell-Jones


Emma Campbell-Jones


The Reckoning
Jane Hawthorne
In the aftermath of the Great Plague and amidst the subsequent witch-hunts against women, a young widow grapples with the tragic death of her husband in a society completely consumed by fear and death. Because she rejects the advances of her landlord, she is falsely accused of being a witch and thrown in jail for a crime she didn’t commit. She must endure physical persecution at the hands of England’s most ruthless witch-hunter and face her own inner demons as the devil himself starts to work his way into her mind.
William's Mum
死にたい小説家とクビ寸前の殺し屋が繰り広げる追走劇を描いたイギリス製コメディ。小説家を目指すも全く芽の出ない青年ウィリアムは、人生に絶望して7回も自殺を試みたが、いずれも失敗していた。一方、ベテラン殺し屋のレスリーは、英国暗殺者組合の暗殺件数のノルマを達成できず引退寸前に追い込まれていた。ある日、ひょんなことからレスリーと知り合ったウィリアムは、1週間以内に自分を暗殺するよう依頼する。そんな矢先、出版社で働くエミリーから、ウィリアムの小説を出版したいという電話が掛かってくる。出版へ向けて話し合ううちに急速にひかれ合うウィリアムとエミリー。ようやく生きる希望を見いだしたウィリアムは、レスリーとの契約破棄を希望するが……。小説家ウィリアムを「ダンケルク」のアナイリン・バーナード、殺し屋レスリーを「フル・モンティ」のトム・ウィルキンソン、ウィリアムに希望をもたらすエミリーを「モダンライフ・イズ・ラビッシュ ロンドンの泣き虫ギタリスト」のフレイア・メーバーがそれぞれ演じる。
Whitelaw's Aide
London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.
Perplexed Music
The film explores the temporary madness and isolation experienced by a middle-aged man played by Paul McGann as he battles for reason and stability with worlds past and present in need of closure and the strength to continue on his life's journey without his long-term companion.
Terminally Happy
In order to remember, you first need to forget.
Royal Wives at War
Thelma Furness
The Queen Mother and Wallis Simpson look back at the dramatic events of 1936, which led to King Edward Vlll giving up the throne for the woman he loved.
Doctor Who: The Night of the Doctor
The Doctor struggles to help the only remaining crewmember of a crashing gunship. The people of the planet below offer to save his life, but at a dear cost to the life he's lived for hundreds of years.
Elizabeth David: A Life in Recipes
Elizabeth David is the most important cookery writer of the 20th century. David's public image was of an elegant, respectable and somewhat austere figure. In reality she was a deeply unconventional person with a profound passion for food, life and men.