Takehiko Hata
出生 : 1968-01-08, Nishitōkyō, Tokyo, Japan
Inspired by his tennis champion father, Ryoma is determined to take his game to the next level and train in the US. But in the middle of an intense tennis battle to save his classmate Sakuno from dangerous villains, they somehow find themselves transported back to the past, just as Ryoma’s father is about to undertake his final championship match at the US Open – when he was mysteriously forced to retire.
Based on a novel of by Nukui Tokuro, Hohoemu Hito tells the story of Nito Toshimi who, after graduating from Japan’s most difficult university and founding a job at a major city bank, marries Shoko and have a daughter, Amina. Nito, while leading a life that looks like the picture of happiness and being the envy of everyone, is charged with the murder of his wife and young child. At his trial, he reveals a shocking motive for the crime: “I wanted space for books.”
ルパン三世との共謀の容疑で、銭形警部に逮捕令状が出される。それを知ったルパンはテレビに出演し誤報であることを伝えるが、誤解を解く代わりに特別なダイヤモンド「タイムクリスタル」を盗むはめになる。そのダイヤは、世界征服をも可能にするスーパー量子コンピューター・エミルカを起動するために必要なものだった。ルパンは見事ダイヤを盗むことに成功するが、仲間のはずの次元に奪われてしまう! その頃ロンドンではショパンコンクール最有力優勝候補の少女・アリサが誘拐される。
餃子が名産物として知られる宇都宮を舞台に、イケメンゴルファーに恋をする出戻りシングルマザーの奮闘を描いた、足立梨花と田村侑久(BOYS AND MEN)主演によるラブコメディ。バツイチとなりシングルマザーとして、地元の宇都宮に帰ってきた陽子。子育てをしながら、実家である餃子屋の再建に奮闘する毎日を送る陽子は、謎のイケメン新聞配達青年と出会う。陽子は青年に恋心を抱くが、彼の正体はなんと今をときめくプロゴルファーの岩原亮だった。監督は「アンフェア」の原作や「HERO」「救命病棟24時」「ドラゴン桜」など数々の人気ドラマ脚本を手がけ、映画監督はこれが2作目となる秦建日子。
餃子が名産物として知られる宇都宮を舞台に、イケメンゴルファーに恋をする出戻りシングルマザーの奮闘を描いた、足立梨花と田村侑久(BOYS AND MEN)主演によるラブコメディ。バツイチとなりシングルマザーとして、地元の宇都宮に帰ってきた陽子。子育てをしながら、実家である餃子屋の再建に奮闘する毎日を送る陽子は、謎のイケメン新聞配達青年と出会う。陽子は青年に恋心を抱くが、彼の正体はなんと今をときめくプロゴルファーの岩原亮だった。監督は「アンフェア」の原作や「HERO」「救命病棟24時」「ドラゴン桜」など数々の人気ドラマ脚本を手がけ、映画監督はこれが2作目となる秦建日子。
Tomboy Yui (Mao Inoue) brings her 3 male friends along with her to see a live performance of local Okinawan rap group, “Workaholic”. Upon witnessing the crowd reaction, the boys decide to start a rap group of their own to impress chicks—while Toru (Hayato Ichihara) has the added motivation of impressing his older, more sophisticated love interest Nagisa (Ayumi Ito). With only 2 weeks to learn how to play instruments and prepare for their first show, the performance is predictably humiliating. In order to save pride they decide to give it another shot, but this time they ditch the instruments for a sampler and stay truer to themselves. Will Toru be able to capture Nagisa’s heart? Will Yui ever confess her love to Toru or will she just keep practicing her advanced pro wrestling techniques on him instead?
Deep-sea archeologist Hiroshi Ibuki is the member of the digging team working at the bottom of the sea hoping to uncover the origins of Earth's existence but instead uncovers a mysterious colony of bacteria which gives off light similar to the Aurora Borealis. The ancient bacteria, once revived, attempt to make the world habitable for themselves - a process that would bring Earth back to its early primal form, killing all current life in the process.