Barry Duffield

Barry Duffield


Barry Duffield


Field Punishment No.1
Dunkirk Warder
In 1916, the New Zealand Government secretly shipped 14 of the country's most outspoken conscientious objectors to the Western Front in an attempt to convert, silence, or quite possibly kill them. This is their story.
ヨギ&ブーブー わんぱく大作戦
Security Guard
トレジャーキッズ ミランダと伝説の恐竜王国
Part two of the Treasure Island Kids Series follows Charlie, a rebellious teenager sent to summer camp by his parents. This is not any old summer camp, this is the real Island.
Prison Guard
In the year 2022, a ruthless prison warden has created the ultimate solution for his most troublesome and violent inmates: Absolom, a secret jungle island where prisoners are abandoned and left to die. But Marine Captain John Robbins, convicted of murdering a commanding officer, is determined to escape the island in order to reveal the truth behind his murderous actions and clear his name.