Alexander Blaise

Alexander Blaise


Alexander Blaise is an actor.


Alexander Blaise


Mothers' Instinct
Dr. Wallace
Best friends and neighbors Alice and Celine both live an idyllic traditional lifestyle with manicured lawns, successful husbands and sons of the same age. Life’s perfect harmony is suddenly shattered after a tragic accident. Guilt, suspicion and paranoia combine to unravel their sisterly bond and a psychological battle of wills begins as the maternal instinct reveals its darker side.
Cleaning out his childhood home at Christmas, a novelist meets a woman searching for her birth mother. Will an old diary unlock their pasts — and hearts?
Senior Buyer
Set in the glamour of the New York and Paris art scenes, gallery owner Brooke Gatwick and her newscaster husband Owen Shore, face temptation, jealousy, twists and mystery when two seductive newcomers enter their lives.
カイル&マイク 俺たちの人生は上り坂
French Doctor
Kyle and Mike are best friends who share a close bond — until Mike sleeps with Kyle’s fiancée. A stormy but enduring relationship ensues between Kyle, with limitless patience, and Mike, who only lives his life by sowing discord in that of others, across many years of laughter, heartbreak, and rage.
Cartier President
5年の刑期を終え、晴れて仮出所を果たしたデビー・オーシャン。かつて“オーシャンズ”を率いたダニー・オーシャンを兄に持つ、生粋の強盗ファミリーの一員だ。出所して早々、刑務所の中で考え抜いたプランを実行に移すべく、デビーの右腕となるルーと共に個性豊かな犯罪のプロたちに声をかけ“オーシャンズ”を新結成するデビー。集まったのはいずれも一流の才能を持ちながら冴えない生活を送っている、ハッカー、スリ師、盗品ディーラー、ファッションデザイナー、宝飾デザイナーたち。彼女たちのターゲットは、世界最大のファッションの祭典“メットガラ”でハリウッド女優(アン・ハサウェイ)が身に着ける1億5000万ドルの宝石! しかしそこには、網の目のように張り巡らされた防犯カメラ、屈強な男たちという世界一厳しいセキュリティが立ちはだかる。たった一秒の狂いが命取り。しかも世界中に生配信されるこの祭典のさなかに宝石を盗み取るという、前代未聞で型破りな計画は果たして成功するのかー? そしてこの計画に隠された更なるデビーの計画とはー!?
Maitre D'
Left broke and homeless by his wealthy parents' divorce, a young man moves in with an old friend and finally meets the woman of his dreams -- only to discover she's already dating his friend.
A Vampire's Tale
A woman is turned by a vampire so he can plot his revenge against the man who sired him.
French Bellhop (uncredited)
Room Tone
Kayley is producing a feature film in which her ex-boyfriend has been cast in the lead role. Work and play combine uneasily in this look at moving on.