A married, middle-class London couple are shocked when they seem to have been blessed — or cursed — with an immaculate conception.
A fantastical re-imagining of the events of 1979, when Monty Python made Life of Brian and the debate about what is an acceptable subject for comedy was blown wide open.
Interspersed with a commentary by a female narrator,who at times assumes their roles,the father,mother and daughter and son of a black,South London family commence their day and we follow them through it in all its mundanity until it climaxes in a random act of violence,killing one of the family and taking up the after-math.
Napoleon, exiled, devises a plan to retake the throne. He'll swap places with commoner Eugene Lenormand, sneak into Paris, then Lenormand will reveal himself and Napoleon will regain his throne. Things don't go at all well; first, the journey proves more difficult than expected, but more disastrously, Lenormand enjoys himself too much to reveal the deception. Napoleon adjusts somewhat uneasily to the life of a commoner while waiting, while Lenormand gorges on rich food.
不況の嵐吹くシェフィールド。 失業に喘ぐ男たちをよそに、女たちは熱狂の渦の中にあった。その日、巡業でやって来た男性ストリップ集団「チッペンデール」のショーが行なわれているのだ。その事を知ったガズも、一人息子を抱えて失業中の身であった。女たちの過熱ぶりを見たガズは、「これしかない!」と決意する。そして始まった仲間集めの為のオーディション。そこへ集まったのは、やはりそれぞれに事情を抱える男たちだった。