Ryō Ishihara


三国志 第三部 遥かなる大地
Narrator / Zhang Zhao (voice)
孔明が劉備に提案した「天下三分の計」。それは天下を三分に分け、孫権と協力して曹操を倒そうとするものだった。計画は実現したかのように思えたが、呉の裏切りによって孔明は劉備、関羽、張飛らを失ってしまう。 皆の願いを実現させるべく、魏に対抗していく孔明だったが。
サイボーグ009 超銀河伝説
Narrator (voice)
9人のサイボーグ戦士たちが大宇宙に挑むスペクタクル・ロマン! 「スターウォーズ」のシナリオライターであるジェフ・シーガルを迎え、一流スタッフが練りに練ったアイデアに原作・総指揮の石ノ森章太郎が手を加えた、アドベンチャー・スペクタクル・愛・感動と三拍子も四拍子も揃った作品。
Narrator (voice)
Boston, United States. Dracula, the immortal vampire, interrupts a satanic ritual and flees with Dolores, the woman whom the members of the evil cult are about to murder. Overwhelmed by his love for her, and unable to drink her blood, they have a son together, whom they name Janus. (Loosely based on Marvel's The Tomb of Dracula comic book series.)
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the Phantom Ship (from where the robot said he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the fight against the Phantom Ship and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passageway where he realises that the true nature of events does not mesh with what Kuroshio has told him. His life is now in great danger, and only he can stop the plans of the evildoers.