Sergei Losev

Sergei Losev

出生 : 1948-08-02, USSR


Родился 2 августа 1948 года. Учился (четыре курса) на математико-механическом факультете Санкт-Петербургского университета. В 1975 году окончил Ленинградский Государственный институт театра, музыки и кинематографии. По окончании ЛГИТМиК играл в ленинградском Театре Комедии. С 1980 года — актёр БДТ имени Г.А.Товстоногова. Преподаватель актёрского мастерства в университетском Центре эстетического воспитания. C 1989 года был постоянным участником знаменитого ленинградского театра капустников «Четвёртая стена» под руководством Вадима Жука (вместе с Александром Романцовым, Борисом Смолкиным и Ириной Пярсон).


Sergei Losev


Michael Mil
A story about Russian aerospace engineer and scientist, creator of well-known Soviet helicopter Mi-1 and the founder of Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Call Myshkin
All his life Myshkin was dreaming about becoming an actor. And now eight years old Dasha is trying to help him.
All Will End Soon
The protagonist Mikhail Nosov is a simple worker. His life consists of work at the machine tool and loneliness in a small rented apartment, TV, the Internet and visiting cheap night clubs. Once Nosov gets acquainted with a prostitute by the name of Diana. Nosov likes Diana and hires her as escort. Diana should live in his apartment. However, Diana turns out completely different to what Nosov imagined her to be, and his life takes an abrupt turn: unexpectedly he goes against his firm principles, changes priorities and understands that life is not as one- dimensional as it seemed to him from the conversations with colleagues and news programmes.
Razreshite tebya potselovat... na svadbe
отец Наташи
И примкнувший к ним Шепилов
Reading Book of Blockade
Amateur actors read stories from a book describing the 900-day siege of Leningrad during World War II.
Silver Samurai
The film intertwines the intrigues at the court of Peter III and the mysterious murders of our days that happened on the territory of the Oranienbaum Museum-Reserve. At one time, the estate was donated to Menshikov and named Oranienbaum in honor of an orange tree. According to legend, Peter I came across a greenhouse with a wonderful "orange tree" in a tub on the territory of the estate and laughed after reading the sign Oranienbaum. The estate inherited later by Peter III was completed, and under Catherine the Great a Chinese palace of amazing beauty appeared in it.
In the last winter of WWII a group of captive German soldiers is brought to a remote Russian village, where widows, a child and a crippled are the only ones left. This is a military drama about those, who can love and forgive.
Moon Glades
Nina is a young woman of thirty years, who lives in St. Petersburg. She has to bury her mother in a winter day. The ceremony is an opportunity for her to meet her younger brother Andrei, who lives elsewhere.
Russian Ark
A ghost and a French marquis wander through the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, encountering scenes from many different periods of its history.
The Fragile Thing
A school teacher wasn't expecting to find a dead man corpse in her apartment during a party.
I Saw You First
A fourth-grader is looking for her father with the help of a friend.
Plane's Flying to Russia
Former prisoners captured plane. But on the way there was a failure, and to alleviate the weight of the aircraft, they throw overboard box with three hostages. The hostages managed to land safely. Now they have to stick together. And around a foreign land with a strange unknown language.
Two Captains II
The beginning of the 20th century. The recklessness of fanatics is pushing humanity towards the abyss. A revolution begins in Russia. Crazy Dr. Farkus induces an orgasm of inanimate matter. White Moroccan dwarfs are becoming active. A second Sun appears in the sky. In this difficult environment, captains selflessly confront the forces of chaos, maintaining the cosmic balance of history.
Whit Monday
Sergei Ivanovich
Ivan Khristoforov discovers the strange property of foreseeing explosions. Trying to understand the reason and meaning of this unusual ability, he turns to family history. The attention of the secret public service doesn't bode well for Khristoforov. The imaginary journey of the hero in his past, bearing the imprint of a children's worldview, and the present, at times just like a dream.
The Criminal Quartet
Mafia kidnaps an investigator's little son after he discovers massive thefts on a local shoe factory. With the help of his three old friends, two cops and a newspaper reporter he struggles to rescue his son and close the case at the same time.
Эти... три верные карты...
Moy Boevoy Rashchyot
1945 год, война позади. Восемнадцатилетний сержант Сергей Кружкой после тяжелого ранения возвращается домой. Узнав, что в городе орудует банда преступников, герой решает помочь органам правопорядка и в одиночку начинает расследование. После первого столкновения с бандитами Сергей попадает в госпиталь. К нему приезжают фронтовые друзья и они вместе разрабатывают план действий…
My Dearly Beloved Detective
The conceit is that Sherlock Holmes is, as in reality, a fictional creation of Arthur Conan Doyle, but that the place where his office would be is maintained by the brilliant detective Shirley Holmes, who both solves crimes and maintains a museum for people who think Sherlock Holmes is real -- accompanied by a phonograph playing music from the Livanov series which had not long ended. She is accompanied, as might be expected, by a woman Watson, and must fight off the affections of both a Scotland Yard inspector an a parody Latin lover from Spain.
Пиквикский клуб
Exceptions Without Rules
мастер цеха на фабрике игрушек (новела: Экскурсант)
Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...
Vadim, a part-time dump truck driver in Leningrad, picks up an extremely young woman, along with a newborn baby. Vadim is forced to spend the rest of his day with Anna, helping her untangle herself from unpleasant, dramatic, and even tragic situations – and she and she alone is to blame for all of them. The baby, which Anna stole in order to make an impression on an estranged lover, is finally returned to its parents, but the problems that the theft caused remain.
Каждый десятый
Несравненный Наконечников
Allegro with Fire
A heroic story about Soviet sailors fighting Nazis during WWII.