Larry Rio


Soundman (uncredited)
巨匠ジョージ・キューカーが、1937年に映画化されたミュージカルをリメークして大ヒットしたジュディ・ガーランドとジェームズ・メイスン共演のミュージカル映画の傑作。映画スターに才能を見いだされた女性歌手が、ハリウッドで成功をおさめるまでを描く感動作。 コーラス・ガールのエスターが、ハリウッドの大スター、ノーマンに素質を見いだされた。ノーマンの口利きによって、エスターは次第にスターの階段を登っていく。そしてエスターは、ノーマンに対する深い愛情を覚える。だが、彼女がオスカーを手にするまでに至ったとき、ノーマンは落ちぶれて自殺をしてしまう……。
Romance on the High Seas
Cab Driver (uncredited)
Georgia Garrett is sent by jealous wife Elvira Kent on an ocean cruise to masquerade as herself while she secretly stays home to catch her husband cheating. Meanwhile equally suspicious husband Michael Kent has sent a private eye on the same cruise to catch his wife cheating. Love and confusion ensues along with plenty of musical numbers.
Reporter (uncredited)
A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter.
The Horn Blows at Midnight
Slippy Tompkins (uncredited)
A trumpet player in a radio orchestra falls asleep during a commercial and dreams he's Athanael, an angel deputized to blow the Last Trumpet at exactly midnight on Earth, thus marking the end of the world.
Hollywood Canteen
Sailor Kissed by Cantor (uncredited)
Two soldiers on leave spend three nights at a club offering free of charge food, dancing, and entertainment for servicemen on their way overseas. Club founders Bette Davis and John Garfield give talks on the history of the place.