Misa Watanabe

Misa Watanabe

出生 : 1964-04-30, Tokyo, Japan


Misa Watanabe (渡辺 美佐, Watanabe Misa, born April 30, 1964 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress (seiyuu) and narrator. She is currently affiliated with Aoni Production. She is well known for voicing Nefertari Vivi in One Piece. Mori Hirori (森ヒロリ) is an alias used by Watanabe Misa.


Misa Watanabe


機動戦士ガンダムUC FILM&LIVE the FINAL
Liam Borrinea
The final chapter of the event "Mobile Suit Gundam UC Film & Live" held at Pacifico Yokohama in July 2014 comes out on Blu-ray. Features performance of music used in "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" by Hiroyuki Sawano, reading of the scenario (written by Harutoshi Fukui) read by orginal voice cast, and more.
海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーVS宇宙刑事ギャバンTHE MOVIE
Vancuria (voice)
ゴーカイジャーがゴーカイガレオンで航行中、突如巨大な宇宙船が出現。その上に、白銀に輝くコンバットスーツの戦士が立つ。彼こそ全銀河にその名を知られる宇宙刑事ギャバンだった。ギャバンの圧倒的な強さでゴーカイジャーは敗れ逮捕されてしまう。 だが、ギャバンはザンギャックの狡猾な陰謀に巻き込まれており、ザンギャックはギャバンを用済みとばかりに魔空空間に閉じ込めてしまった。バトルの最中にギャバンと心を交わしたゴーカイジャーは有り得ない天変地異に満ち満ちている危険な魔空空間からギャバンを救うために飛び込んでいく。
映画 プリキュアオールスターズDX2 希望の光☆レインボージュエルを守れ!
私、花咲つぼみ、中学2年生です。 ある朝心地よく眠っていたら、親友のえりかが部屋にやって来て「コフレがいなくなった!」っていうんです!! あれ~!シプレの姿もありません!! 机の上に残された招待券を手がかりに、私たちは海の上に浮かぶ遊園地・フェアリーパークへ! そこでシプレ&コフレを発見。 周囲を見回すと、シプレたちみたいな超かわいい妖精&アトラクションがい~っぱいッ! みんなすっごく楽しそうですッ!! でも突然、怪しげな影が現れてパーク内が大混乱に! どうしよう~ッ!! その時、プリキュアたちが続々登場!! ウソ~ッ! プリキュアってこんなにいるんですか~ッ!?? って、なになに…全部で17人!? もう、こうなったら全員で力を合わせて、レインボージュエルを守って見せますッ!! プリキュアオールスターズ☆パワー全開ッッッ!!
劇場版ワンピース エピソードオブアラバスタ 砂漠の王女と海賊たち
Nefertari Vivi (voice)
2007年3月3日に公開された、漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第8作目。 砂漠の王国アラバスタを目指す麦わら海賊団。大海原を突き進む愛船ゴーイングメリー号の甲板には、不安な面持ちの王女ビビの姿があった。彼女の母国アラバスタは、謎の秘密結社の暗躍によって崩壊の危機に陥り、ビビは敵の正体を探るため国を出ていたのだ。ついに黒幕が国の英雄と思われていたクロコダイルと知ったビビは、旅の中で友人となったルフィたちの協力を得て、父である国王に真相を知らせるべく帰路を急ぐのだが…
メタルギアソリッド3 EXISTENCE
EVA (voice)
A three and a half hour cut of Metal Gear Solid 3's cinematics featuring remastered sound. This is a version of the story presented as a film.
魔法戦隊マジレンジャー THE MOVIE インフェルシアの花嫁
Phantom Spy Vancuria (voice)
Kai and the Magiranger travel from the heights of Magitopia to the depths of Infershia in order to save Yamazaki from becoming the bride who releases a Hades Beastman's phantom army!
ワンピース the movie オマツリ男爵と秘密の島
Lily Carnation
2005年3月5日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第6作。 「オマツリ島」への永久指針と地図を拾った麦わらの一味は、パラダイスだというその島を訪れる。島の当主と名乗るオマツリ男爵により数々の不条理な試練を受けさせられ、最初は楽しんでいたものの、仲間達が試練での苛立ちでどんどん不協和音を鳴らし、仲間割れを起こしてしまう。そんな中、チョッパーとロビンは島の不自然さを感じ始めていた。
おとぎ銃士 赤ずきん
Cendrillion (voice)
A long, long time ago, both science and magic existed in the human world. But God became afraid of the Human's unlimited potential, so he divided the world into two and sealed them apart. One world of magic and one world of science. Souta Suzukaze is a normal boy except that he has the Key in his body to break the Seal. The evil witch Cendrillon want that power and tries to take it. Akazukin and Val, a silver wolf, came from the magic-world to prevent her from that. A grand story of a boy who will lead a checkered life and girls in fairly lands has just begun.
幻想魔伝 最遊記 ―希望の罪過―
Kanzeon Bosatsu (voice)
A mysterious light falls from the Heavens. It's the Pearl Jade. It can grant any wish. Dr. Ni tells Gyokumen Koushu about it. Lirin overhears and tells Kougaiji. Then Kanzeon Bosatsu (The Merciful Goddess) requests (orders) Sanzo and company to go and find and seal it before it falls into the wrong hands.
ワンピース 夢のサッカー王!
Vivi / Vivi Nefertari (voice)
「ONE PIECE」のキャラクターたちが、サッカー戦を繰り広げる短篇アニメ。監督は境宗久。本作は『2002春東映アニメフェア』の一作として公開された。
World famous surgeon Black Jack meets a family with a strange predicament...their grandma is constantly demanding money. They struggle to deal with this beligerent elderly woman whose motives are shrouded in mystery. But when her medical problems come into play, Black Jack and his adoptive daughter-slash-assistant Pinoko are ready to operate!
Eight Clouds Rising
Fuzuchi Kuraki is a quiet young high school student blessed with immense psychic powers and an ancient sword. He is searching for other magical artifacts with the help of Nanachi Takeo, a college student with latent powers of his own. They delve deep into the dark magic of Izumo, only to discover the secrets buried within the birthplace of all Japanese mythology.
Her name is Rei, the Chimera, Angel of Death. The dark wasteland of the underworld is her home. She's an expert marksman, a silent assassin, and more woman than meets the eye. The mafia boss who killed her parents, John Roy, also took the pleasure of raping their son. John Roy now rules the Hong Kong underground, and Rei works for him.
Joanna (voice credited as Mori Hirori)
As Mankind expands out into the galaxy, new colonies are created under the control of the Earth government. For the outer planets, however, space is governed by no law. Tina Owen has been sentenced to 2000 years in jail, with only one chance to redeem herself, by investigating the mysterious planet Omega 13.
Female Biker (voice)
ルパン三世 ハリマオの財宝を追え!!
Additional Voices
First Loves/Kakyuusei OAV (1995) is mainly centered on Kakeru and his relationship with four girls from his high school. It focuses on one girl per episode - the cute and friendly Urara, the forsaken tennis girl Rie, the dog-owning painter Hikari and the tough-fighting motorcycle girl. Which girl will Kakeru choose to be with by the end ?
美しき性の伝道師 麗々
Tanaka (female)
Mankind's problems are tempting the moon to move away from the planet Earth, but Kaguya, a superhuman spiritualist, is attempting not to let it go off too far. She comes down to Earth from her home in outer space to help solve the relationship problems of people. Her first assignment involves foiling a perfect murder and a bit of gender-bending as she tries to help Tanaka revive the life of his dream lover and get revenge on the killer, which was her ex-girlfriend. The second assignment involves pulling a sexually frustrated teenager's spirit out of a video game after the stress of being dumped forced it outside the body.