Akira Okazaki


Erotic drama.
高校生番長 棒立てあそび
When Daisaku Hotta (Kosaburo Onogawa), the cheer leader of Tonan High School, hears that Rikiya Kudo (Saburo Shindo), the captain of the Judo team and Shiro Usami (Kei Wakakura) of the boxing team are about to fight, he breaks it up that are apt to erupt so suddenly on campus. Rikiya is an honor student, recommended to the Toa University by his school and is almost certain of being accepted next spring. Shiro is long on brute strength but short on brains. Naturally, they waste little love on each other, so there is very little ground for any understanding between them.
Assistant Director
A private detective is hired to find a missing man by his wife. While his search is unsuccessful, the detective's own life begins to resemble the man for whom he is searching.
Assistant Director
After a random encounter at a bar, two couples collide. Two men, two women, embroiled in a love-and-hate drama that threatens to engulf them. The sexual anxiety between the interwoven couples tautens right up to the nearly unbearable tension of the climax...
Assistant Director
誤診という名の殺人! 人の命を救うはずのメスが、野望のためにみがかれる! 医学界の封建的な人間関係、派閥抗争などを、野望に燃える浪速大学医学部第一外科助教授、財前五郎を中心に描く。