Keiichi Ozawa

出生 : 1933-01-05, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan


修羅がゆく13 完結編
修羅がゆく12 北九州死闘篇
修羅がゆく9 北海道進攻作戦
The 9th series of Violence Action that depicts the battle between this issue and Ino aiming at the top of the gangster society as a unit.
修羅がゆく11 名古屋頂上戦争
修羅がゆく10 北陸代理決戦
修羅がゆく10 北陸代理決戦
修羅がゆく7 四国烈死篇
The 7th gangster action of men who continue to fight bloody battles in Tosa, Shikoku.
修羅がゆく6 東北激闘篇
Set in Aizuwakamatsu, where resort development is progressing, the sixth installment of the gangster action series that depicts the battle between the eastern and western gangsters aiming for national domination.
平成 残 侠伝 ぶった斬れ !
A man who was trapped by a gangster who was taken over by a sneaky means of life, such as a gangster and a gangster who disappeared from the screen with the era of his work. With the trampled step-in-law and streaks as shields, the last princes of Heisei who sought a place to die at the end show a fierce way of life!
長七郎江戸日記スペシャル 柳生の陰謀
Rumors are circulating that the shogunate is losing control of some feudal domains. Lord Yagyu Munefuyu is assigned to deal with the problem and the rebellious clans will be crushed! Meanwhile, a former vassal of the Kazama clan is shot and killed. Moments later a second man is killed by a mysterious master swordsman. Matsudaira Choshichiro and his companions arrive at the crime scene and find a new type of repeating gun. The carved seal on the gun stock belong to the Saiga; a ninja clan abolished by the shogunate many years ago. The blame for the murders is placed on the Kazama clan. Are they guilty or is this a wise cunning plan by Lord Yagyu to be able to destroy the Kazama clan? Choshichiro sets out to reveal the truth and try to save the doomed Kazama clan! In his way are the Owari, Lord Yagyu and his ninja assassins, and the mysterious master swordsman! Will Choshichiro prevail against impossible odds...?
バンカク 関東SEX軍団
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Roman Porno from 1972.
ラブハンター 熱い肌
Roman Porno from 1972.
The directorial debut of Masaru Konuma, penned by Keiichi Ozawa using the pseudonym "Fuyuhiko Hagi". Masako is a journalist, and she is raped while researching a story. The rape causes her to develop amnesia, so her brother devises a novel way to get her memory back -- he has her boyfriend rape her again. It doesn't work, so the brother and boyfriend do more research, discovering that Masako was raped by an African-American soldier. As might be expected, they then hire a black GI to rape the poor girl yet a third time...
大幹部 ケリをつけろ
Asakura was told he could leave the gang if he killed Takahata, but he failed and was sentenced to two years. When he was released, the Oyane group was crushed, and instead, the emerging gangster Hokuyokai was in charge of the Oyane group's territory.
石本久吉の原案を、「関東やくざ者」の小沢茂弘がシナリオ化し、自ら監督した“博徒”シリーズ第六作目。撮影は「日本侠客伝 関東篇」の吉田貞次。 1965年製作/90分/日本 配給:東映 大正末期。関東梅島会の総長である梅島甚兵衛は、震災で焼けた吉原遊廓にかわってひらけてきた亀の井の治安を守るため、南を黒田一家、北を竹内一家と二分し、それぞれの縄張りを治めさせた。黒田一家の小頭、秩父弥三郎は一家の大黒柱として評判もよく、親分万吉の信頼も厚かったが、弥三郎を慕う万吉の娘美恵に横恋慕する代貸の古野は、竹内組に内通し、万吉の印鑑を持ちだしては弥三郎の名義で竹内から金を借り私腹を肥やしていた。一方の竹内も、亀の井の独占を企み、弥三郎を消すべく、関西の流れ者火の玉五郎を使って闇打ちをかけ、さらに、事をあらだてまいという、万吉の態度をいいことに、弥三郎の弟分久五郎の恋人で女郎のお米を、病気の同僚をかばった罪で私刑にし、助けに入った久五郎にも因縁をつけてきた。みかねた弥三郎は自ら進んで制裁を受け、事を解決しようとしたが、ききいれず久五郎に重傷を負わせた竹内にたまりかねて、その片腕を斬った。万吉は渡世の面子上、弥三郎に破門を言い渡した。老母と傷ついた久五郎を残して三島の久五郎の姉たかのもとで暮すようになった弥三郎は、再び腕の保養にやってきた竹内に出会い、火の玉五郎と相対したが弥三郎の侠気にふれた五郎は、自分のおろかさを悟って改心した。しかし亀の井に楽園をつくり莫大なもうけを企む竹内は次次と土地を買いしめ、邪魔者の久五郎や万吉を殺して、一気に縄張りをひろげた。これを知った弥三郎は、こらえていた怒りを爆発させ五郎とともに竹内組に殴りこんだ。乱闘の末、竹内らを倒した弥三郎を前に、詳細を知ってかけつけた梅島会長は、弥三郎の破門を解くことを約束した。
Young man returns from prison and sets out to destroy the gang that killed his friends and boss of his former gang.
土忍記 風の天狗
Yojiro orders a samurai to kill a debtor. The samurai decides not to trust the judgment of his master, which makes him an outcast and he has to flee...
女の警察 乱れ蝶
Aboard a night ferry in the Inland Sea, Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi), a young tough, who supplies hostesses to night spots, encounters Yuko, his ex-sweetheart. He considers himself a private underworld sort of policeman-in the com- munity of such women. Yuko, now a bar proprietress, is under the protection of Tahei Daigo, a sinister gang boss who in his quest for chances of good investments abroad plans to offer young girls to rich foreigners. Asked to gather attractive girls by Yuko, now Tahei's puppet, Masaaki collects many only to find them mysteriously missing...
In a small town on the Kasumigaura coast in the early Showa period, the Masukawa clan from Tokyo is trying to take away the interests of the local Isetoku family. Setsuko, the adopted daughter of the Isetoku family, falls in love with Seijiro, a travelling raven she meets on a whim. However, Koide, a businessman connected to the Masukawa clan, wants Setsuko to become his mistress... Setsuko puts aside her love and her regrets and bets on the greatest female challenge of her life!
Four years ago, Teppei Hondo killed two people from the Shinwa group for the murder of his brother. After serving a 3-year prison sentence, he considered returning home, but his father, the boss of the Honda Group, told him to stay away for another year, so he went to sea. In the end, having returned, he again finds himself embroiled in a showdown between the yakuza.
侠花列伝 襲名賭博
Goro has always been a lone wolf. When he arrives at an industrial city in Keihin, there is certain restlessness in the air. The Iriezaki family and the Kanto Touyu-kai were in the midst of a territorial dispute. Goro was quick to notice, but had no intent to take sides. At a department store nearby, he sees an elevator lady being harassed by a couple of hoodlums. Goro decides to intervene. Unbeknownst to him, the hoodlums are Touyu-kai members – and the girl has strong ties with the opposing family.
無頼 黒匕首
無頼 人斬り五郎
On a cold winter day, Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) and Masahiko murder the mob boss of Meishin-Kai. The deed costs them time in prison, but Goro had no shred of regret. When Goro is released 2 years later, Masahiko is dying in prison hospital and entrusts his last wish; "find my sister and take care of her." Goro leaves as a free man with a mission, but soon finds that he might have been better off in jail.
無頼 人斬り五郎
On a cold winter day, Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) and Masahiko murder the mob boss of Meishin-Kai. The deed costs them time in prison, but Goro had no shred of regret. When Goro is released 2 years later, Masahiko is dying in prison hospital and entrusts his last wish; "find my sister and take care of her." Goro leaves as a free man with a mission, but soon finds that he might have been better off in jail.
大幹部 無頼
Goro (Tetsuya Watari) wants to put his dark past behind. He heads to Hirosaki City to offer his condolences to Yumeko and to reunite with Yukiko (Chieko Matsubara), but finds that Yumeko is fatally ill. Although Yukiko was taking care of her, she is pressed for money. Goro wants to help and knows that there is only one way to come up with fast money.
「無頼」より 大幹部
Assistant Director
Goro had grown up in the yakuza world. As an active member of the Mizuhara family crime syndicate, he expressed his loyalty by always putting himself in the forefront of every battle. Violence never bothered him. However, after being sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing a rival gang’s hit man, he becomes disenchanted with the Yakuza life style. Goro is determined to start anew, but karma catches up. His two closest friends are murdered by his ex-boss. He is left with two options: to kill or be killed.
Assistant Director
A young yakuza hitman named Goro does a job and needs to hideout away from Tokyo for a while. He hangs out with loose women and hard men and always manages to stay one step ahead of the law. In his exile, he comes under suspicion for a murder and meets the girlfriend of the murdered man. They develop a strange bond while unbeknown to Goro, another hitman is after him for the job he did in Tokyo.