Yuki Morisaki


玉割り人ゆき 西の廓夕月楼
The sequel depicts Yuki's love affair with a young brothel owner who was once a Noh singer, and his complicated relationship with a woman who follows him around. Their love triangle nearly dissolves in Yuki's favour, but takes a sudden turn after an intervention of a perverted painter who believes in fatalism.
五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白
Sayuri Hoshikawa
Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor man’s life after another. Finally she seduces a professional killer, which brings a tiny bit of action into the comedy oriented film. Being a Toei production, Mantis Wife’s Confession looks like real movie rather than a cheap exploitation production. Unfortunately the storyline is running circles, and there’s little to get excited about. A couple of good jokes make you laugh a few times, and one surprise has found its way into the film; Ema Ryoko plays a housewife. She gets into a fight, but her shirt stays on and doesn’t even get ripped.
A mountain man beheads his many wives to prove his love to an alluring woman he meets in an enchanted forest.
下苅り半次郎 マル秘観音を探せ
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike and Satomi Kôe.