Volodimir Lisovsky


V. Lisovsky
The cadet Vasya Yarochkin and his girlfriend Olya attempt to catch an escaped stallion named "Intriguer".
Life in Your Hands
The cursed legacy for the young state are drunkards and truants, who have not yet rebuilt their lives in the new social conditions. But life is changing: the inhabitants of the commune dormitory, a huge, cubist-style house, “orderly” run in the morning for exercise, eat in the canteen, which resembles a factory conveyor belt.
Black Sea Mutiny
On the proletarian solidarity of the French navy with the revolutionary people of Russia. The action takes place in the early years of Soviet power in the coastal city of Russia. The French cruiser Mirabeau threatens the city from the sea.
Suburban Districts
Kvartaly predmestya (52 minutes, USSR 1930, directed by Grigoriy Gritcher-Tchrikover) and it is about the cohabitation of a young Jewish woman (played by Nana Vatchnadze, a Soviet film star of those times) and a Ukrainian. This film pays attention to mutual national and religious stereotypes.
Love's Berries
Old man on whom the fat man offloads
Dovzhenko's debut film, it deals with a dandified barber's attempts to get rid of his "love berry" - his illegitimate offspring. Although a farce, its permissive sexuality can still be considered to be risque.
Taras Shevchenko
a general
The film adaptation of Taras Shevchenko’s biography of 1925 is the first Ukrainian biopic. At that time, it was one of the most expensive films, as for the first time experts in history, ethnography, and literary studies were involved in pre-production. The famous Modernism artist, academician Vasyl Kryvhevskyi designed the film, and professor Serhii Yefremov served as a consultant.  Consisting of numerous short stories, the film that shows the life of Shevchenko as an adolescent, a soldier, a poet, was successfully demonstrated in Ukraine and abroad and became the most acknowledged cinema project of 1926. Amvrosii Buchma played Taras Shevchenko.