Akio Kaneda
出生 : 1954-10-13, Tokyo, Japan
Akio Kaneda (金田 明夫, Kaneda Akio, October 13, 1954) is a Japanese actor from Tokyo. He is 165 cm tall, weighs 68 kg and has blood type O.
Sugai works as a driver at a chauffeur service company at night. On the night of a full moon weekend, he is told to pair up with a newcomer Kariya. Kariya is a mysterious young guy who gives a silly quiz to Sugai while they work. Sometime later, a drag queen comes to the office and asks for Sugai, saying that someone is trying to kill him. Sugai actually has a past that he could never forget. His colleague tells him that on the night of a full moon weekend something bad would happen...
Chief Cabinet Secretary
新谷 大悟
Yoshiki Nakagaki
2011年(平成23年)11月5日の21:00〜23:11に「ドラマスペシャル 宮部みゆき原作『火車』」として放送された。製作局は1994年(平成6年)版と同じテレビ朝日。土曜ワイド劇場と同じ時間枠だが、土曜ワイド劇場の作品ではなくスペシャルドラマ(特別番組)として放送された。
Ryusuke Ishimaru
Do criteria exist for the death penalty? Yusuke Mito, a law faculty lecturer who did not become a lawyer even though he passed the bar exam, the famous lawyer Kojiro Otomo who advocates the abolition of the death penalty, and the public prosecutor Mariko Nagase studied law together. Each have their own thoughts about the death penalty. One day, Otomo’s wife is murdered by someone. Shinzo Sabae who is resentful of a lawsuit that Otomo had been in charge of, is arrested as a suspect. Otomo reverses the stance he had had until now and seeks the death penalty against Sabae. This prompts Mito to make the decision to become a lawyer and stand in the court. However, the first case Mito takes charge of is the defence of Sabae, who murdered the wife of his good friend, Otomo…
『私は屈しない〜特捜検察と戦った女性官僚と家族の465日』(わたしはくっしない とくそうけんさつとたたかったじょせいかんりょうとかぞくのよんひゃくろくじゅうごにち)は、TBS系列で、2011年1月31日の21:00 - 22:54(JST)に、月曜ゴールデン枠で放送されたテレビドラマの特別番組。 厚生労働省の局長・中井章子は、かつて所属していた部署で起きた証明書不正発給事件に、国会議員の働きかけを受けて上司として関与した疑いを掛けられる。任意で事情聴取を受けるはずが、出頭した大阪地方検察庁特別捜査部でそのまま逮捕状を執行され、大阪拘置所へ収監されてしまう。保釈請求に抗告し、言ってもいないことを調書に書き、容疑を認めたことにしようとする特捜部検事との対決。同じ省で審議官を務める夫、2人の娘、そして弁護士の支援を受け、保釈された章子が裁判で無罪を勝ち取るまでの465日を描く。
Sadao Matsumiya
「DOOR TO DOOR〜僕は脳性まひのトップセールスマン〜」(ドア トゥ ドア )は、2009年3月29日にTBS系列で放送された単発スペシャルのテレビドラマである。 アメリカの実在の人物ビル・ポーターの半生を原作とし、脳性まひによる障害を抱えながらもセールスマンとして活躍する青年を二宮和也が演じる。
Ryôzô Takayama
『霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち』(きりのひ からふと・まおかゆうびんきょくにちった9にんのおとめたち)は、2008年8月25日の21:00-23:18に、日本テレビ系列(NNS)にて放送された単発スペシャルのテレビドラマである。平成20年度(第63回)文化庁芸術祭(テレビ部門・ドラマの部)優秀賞受賞。ドラマは、晩年を迎えた生存者と、彼女の過去の回想を聞き取り記録する若い派遣社員との交流を軸足に描いている。史実を基にしたフィクションであり、実際の生存者から取材しているものの、主人公は架空の人物で、性的暴行など創作の部分も多い。
Remake of the 2005 South Korean movie "Marathon", this special is about an autistic boy guided by his mother and his coach in training for a marathon.
"Don of the entertainment world" Wada Akiko was killed by someone's hand! The Japanese archipelago swaying in shocking news! And the entertainment world .... Those who are "motivated to kill" are field managers, talents, singers, cultural men, program staff, pachinko parlor staff ... more than 1,000 suspects!
Recently graduated from high school, 17-year-old Shiro (Yagira Yuya) decides to put off college and work at a gas station instead. Shy and introspective, Shiro understands he is at a turning point of his life, but is unsure of what lies ahead. Though his parents disapprove of his decision, he has the support of his flower child grandmother (Natsuki Mari) who declares that a gas station is a romantic place for life's drifters. Surely enough, soon a new co-worker, college student Noriko (Erika Sawajiri), drifts into Shiro's life. He falls headfirst into a bittersweet first love that ushers him into the world of adulthood.
Tange Sazen: Hyakuman Ryo no Tsubo is a remake of a classic 1935 film of the same name by Yamanaka Sadao. Tange Sazen, the one-armd, one-eyed ex-samurai swordsman is the creation of Hayashi Fubo and was one of the most popular characters of the era. This remake is helmed by freshman director Tsuda Toshio, starring Toyokawa Etsushi as Sazen and Wakui Emi as Ofuji, his quick-witted wife. This marks the 34th film in the series of Tange Sazen, and involves an Urn that is worth a million Ryo!.
Takehiko Hashiba
In the streets of ultra-modern Shinjuku, Sosuke, a young would-be detective, all of a sudden attacked by a monster robot and falls unconscious. Determined to unravel the mystery, Sosuke joins forces with four members to fight against the robot. Will they be successful?
The Story of Untouchable Passion In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Kazuki is so plugged with guilt that he quits the team and settles in a remote kamakura Girl's high School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Moe. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.
Security Guard
A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, there was a cute warrior, Souji Okita, who belonged to the armed police of the shogunate in Kyoto. Very few knew that Souji was not a boy, but a woman. Souji loved the vice-leader of the armed police, Toshizou Hijikata. Souji suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and coughed up blood during a battle. Toshizou helped her but said that he did not care for the girl with a smell of blood. Souji had a real talent for swordsmanship and no one but Ryouma Sakamoto could compete with her. Ryouma was a liberal intellectual and tried to carry out a revolution without blood. However, the bloody Meiji Restoration broke out and Souji killed Ryouma who lost his dream. Because a friendship had sprung up between Toshizou and Ryouma, Toshizou got angry and slashed at Souji with a sword. Unwillingly, she unsheathed her sword and thought that she might get love if she was killed by the man she loved.
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Toshihiko Yamazaki
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's novel, "La Ronde", many people are having sex in a variety of ways. A girl and her boyfriend go to a pool bar where she is served a free cocktail drink courtesy of a man who wants to date her. Another guy challenges her boyfriend to a game with the girlfriend being the prize. Three men are fighting over the young woman and a winner takes the girl. It ends up as four guys and the woman in a hotel room.
Pinku film directed by Yasuhiro Horiuchi.
Masato Takayama - Kurumi's Husband
The strategy of healing a demoralized husband with the pure love of a young wife! Kurumi, a married woman who cannot come to terms with her husband's illness, she goes to a sex clinic and does research day and night to rid her husband of impotence.
ある日、俳優の井上侘助(山崎努)と妻で女優の雨宮千鶴子(宮本信子)は夫婦共演のCM撮影を行っていたが、そこに突然連絡が入る。千鶴子の父・真吉(奥村公延)が亡くなったのだ。親族代表として葬式を出さなくてはならなくなった侘助はマネージャー里見(財津一郎)の助けを借りつつも途方に暮れる。 千鶴子の母・きく江(菅井きん)や千鶴子の妹・綾子(友里千賀子)夫婦、そして真吉の兄・正吉(大滝秀治)とともに遺体を伊豆の別荘に運び、お通夜の準備に取り掛かる。葬儀屋・海老原(江戸家猫八)とともに、お通夜当日の朝を迎える侘助達。だがそこには、喪服を着た侘助の愛人・良子(高瀬春奈)がいた。
Mikio Komatsu
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Ryota Higashiyama
Roman Porno from 1983.
A young couple with marital problems are beset by an office lady temptress, amorous paramours and the swingers next door.
Chizuko's cab driver husband becomes impotent after an accident, leading to infidelity spiced up with various kinky deviations.
A naive delivery boy becomes infatuated with a girl who works at a local strip joint. Despite his daily attendance and attempts to get her attention she remains indifferent until one day she invites him onstage...
Toru Kimura
A film that deals with sexuality at late age and the jealousy of a woman over a young girl and her affair with a young man.
Ken'ichi Yonekura
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Tamio Nozaki
Roman Porno from 1979.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno