Chan San-Yat


Deadly Duo
Wang Lei
Ah Cheng has decided to get out of this silly kung-fu business and retire with his new girlfriend. Unfortunately, everyone is out to kill him, and one of the killers has been using his trademark knives to frame him! Meanwhile his friends meet up with a mysterious swordsmen who is not what he seems.
The True Game of Death
The film begins with footage of Bruce Lee's funeral. The narrator then says that there is a new actor "who looks quite like him" that will become Lee's successor. His name is Hsao Lung. Later Hsao Lung is filming a movie. On the set, he is approached by a group of gangsters, led by a man named George, who want to control Hsao Lung. Hsao Lung declines, so they go after his girlfriend Alice, forcing her poison Hsao. During sex, the poison takes action and Hsao supposedly dies. Hsao fakes his death and pretends to be a chef so that he can watch over Alice. Alice is kidnapped by the gangsters, so Hsao starts looking for her and goes to a shipyard. There he fights off 4 motorcycle-riding gangsters that are wearing multi-colored tracksuits, one of them being the iconic green and black one from Game of Death. He defeats them and goes to the tower of death.
One of the 8 masters
少林寺八流派の師範たちが集まり、最強の拳法“蛇鶴八拳”を生み出す。その正当な伝承者には、技の極意が記された“秘伝書”と、“九龍令”という矛が与えられ、八派の門徒の頂点に君臨することができるのだった。だが、その8人の師範たちが謎の失踪を遂げ、秘伝書も消失してしまう。そんなある日シー・インフォンという若い武術家が秘伝書を持っていることが判明し、四川唐党の女党首タンをはじめとする八派の門徒たち、他流派の武術家率いる賊党・黒龍組などが、秘伝書を狙って次々とインフォンに襲いかかる。 ジャッキー主演のカンフー・アクションの中でも、多彩なカンフー技が堪能できる点で最も魅力的な作品。ジャッキーが繰りだすスピーディな蛇鶴八拳、ノラ・ミャオの華麗な棒術、クム・コンの頭突きなど、個性あふれる技と驚天動地のバトルの数々に圧倒される。
The Lady Constables
Fierce females in flowing frocks force fear on fiendish filchers of the Five Phoenixes!! Angela Mao and Chia Ling star as cops on the trail of bandit leader Chang Yi whose gang has stolen the Five Phoenixes' Night Shining Pearl. They confront him at his fortress stronghold in an all out effort to prevent evil from dominating the martial world!
総督の60歳の誕生日を祝う宴会でにぎわうチーフォン家。そこに、総督の息子、シャオレイが現れ、歓談していた客人を追い払ってしまう。怒る父親にシャオレイは「人面桃蜂党がやってくる」と告げる。15年前、総督によって退治された盗賊団、人面桃蜂党の首領の娘、ディンが、殺された両親の復讐のために街に戻ってきたのだ。シャオレイは、自分の子をお腹に宿した恋人チェンチェンに対してわざと冷たく振る舞い、彼女が家を出ていくよう仕向ける一方、自分はすでに決死の覚悟を決めていた。そしてその晩、冷酷無比な人面桃蜂党が現れる。チーフォン家は皆殺しにされるが、シャオレイだけは一命を取り留める。そして彼は信頼する友と一緒にいるはずにチェンチェンを追いかけて旅に出ることに。その道中シャオレイは、思いも寄らない陰謀、愛、裏切りに出会うことになる…。 ロー・ウェイ監督に見込まれたジャッキー・チェンが現在と同じ成龍という芸名となってから3本目の主演作で、シリアスな物語と力強いカンフーシーンが印象的な時代劇。武侠映画の巨匠監督キン・フー作品でお馴染みの名女優シュー・フォンが、ジャッキー扮する主人公に愛憎を抱く無敵の女剣士を見事に演じ、作品に風格を与えている。
The Four Assassins
Martial Arts Choreographer
Set at the time of Italian explorer Marco Polo's historic expedition to China ,during the reign of Monogol ruler Kublai Khan, it stars American actor Richard Harrison as Polo. Taking considerable liberties with the historic record, the film has Polo turning up as an Imperial Inspector assigned to root out Chinese rebles in the south, but eventually being won over to their cause.
The Dragon and Tiger Joint Hands
After being rescued from the hangman's noose for a crime unbefitting the punishment, Chi Hsiang (Anthony Chan Keung) returns to his village home after a three year absence. There he discovers local bully turned tyrant, Tien Pioa in league with the Japanese and bleeding the poor farmers for all they possess. At first Chi refuses to help fearing it would merely cause more problems. However, the killing of his school's teacher (Jack Long) ultimately causes him to rethink his stance. From Taiwan: an ultimate superb basher!!
The Big Fight
This film is set during the Japanese occupation of China circa WWII. In it, the Japanese occupiers (and the Chinese Quislings who work for them) are portrayed as total monsters who kill children and rape all women. The heroes are resistance fighters who oppose the occupation.