Jurgens Doeres


From Hollywood to Deadwood
Steve Reese
When actress Lana Dark (Barbara Schock) disappears in the middle of a film shoot, putting an expensive stop to production, the studio hires gumshoes Raymond Savage (Scott Paulin) and Jack Haines (Jim Haynie) to track down the fleeing femme fatale in this thriller. The trail leads to Deadwood, S.D., where Haines and a smitten Savage find Lana restlessly lying low. But knowledge proves dangerous when Savage discovers the scam behind Lana's walkout.
A Child in the Crowd
Deserted by his father, and dislocated by the Second World War, Paul is a boy who wants affection and attention and cannot find it at home. For a while, he becomes the pet of some German soldiers, running errands for them. Later, he helps the Resistance, and when the Americans come to stay, he is really in his element with them.
Innocents with Dirty Hands
Saint Tropez. Julie Wormser and her lover, writer and neighbour Jeff Marle, plan the murder of her wealthy husband Louis, an alcoholic impotent. She hits him, and leaves the rest of the task to Jeff. Julie finds herself alone the following day, and becomes therefore the prime suspect. Where is Louis' body? Where is Jeff? Is there any secret beyond a door?
Godefinger ou Certaines chattes n'aiment pas le mou