Marie Leconte


Just Retired
Marilou and Philippe prepare for their future retirement in Portugal. But their daughter separates and a whole procession of solicitations falls on them.
Jamais le premier soir
Script Supervisor
Julie, a woman who is unlucky in love despite her bubbly demeanor. Her job at a bookstore takes an interesting twist when she discovers a book titled "Happiness Can Be Learned," and she sets out to fix her love life once and for all.
The Well Digger's Daughter
Script Supervisor
It's the beginning of the WWII. South of France. Patricia, 18, is the oldest daughter of a well-digger, Pascal, who considers her a princess because of her moral qualities. She's kind, devoted. One day, she briefly meets a young man, Jacques, the son of Mazel, owner of the shop where her father buy his material. He's handsome and teasing. Her father's friend, Felipe, would love to marry her, and he invites her to an aviation show. She accepts his invitation only because she knows Jacques is a pilot and will be there. Soon, she'll carry his child, and he'll be gone, and the family will have to deal with this out-of-wedlock pregnancy...
My Best Friend
Script Supervisor
Catherine refuses to believe that her business partner, the unlikeable François, has a best friend, so she challenges him to set up an introduction. Scrambling to find someone willing to pose as his best pal, François enlists the services of a charming taxi driver to play the part.
Script Supervisor
自分に課した3つのルールを厳格に守りつつ犯罪すれすれの運び屋家業を続けるフランク。ある日いつものように運び屋の依頼が舞い込む。指定された時刻に指定重量のバッグを運ぶ。簡単ないつもの仕事のはずだったが、車のパンクを修理する途中バッグが動きだし中から声がするのを見つけ不審感がぬぐえなくなったフランクはついに自分に課したルール「荷の中身は見ない」を破り バッグを開けてしまうと中からはアジア人の美女があわられるのだった。