Sven Valsecchi


シルバー・サドル 新・復讐の用心棒
Thomas Barrett, Jr.
流れ者のガンマン、ロイは、ある日、スネークと名乗る男から話を持ちかけられ、因縁のある富豪バレットを殺しに墓地へ向かうが、そこに現れたのは幼い少年だった。悩む間もなく銃撃戦が始まり、自分たちが何者かに狙われていることに気づいたロイは少年を救い出すが、その少年トーマスはバレット家の血縁でばく大な遺産を相続する人物だった…。 主演ジュリアーノ・ジェンマが人情味あふれるガンマンを演じるマカロニ・ウエスタン。
This Is Love
Tearjerker about an estranged couple and their terminally ill son.
Sweet Adolescents
In the Catholic and traditionalist Italy, two teenagers covertly discover new prohibited games.
Ancora una volta... a Venezia
Street People
Ulisse as a child
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Street People
Ulysses as a child
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.