Agnes Kalpagos

Agnes Kalpagos


Agnes Kalpagos


シルバー・サドル 新・復讐の用心棒
One Of Sheba's Women
流れ者のガンマン、ロイは、ある日、スネークと名乗る男から話を持ちかけられ、因縁のある富豪バレットを殺しに墓地へ向かうが、そこに現れたのは幼い少年だった。悩む間もなく銃撃戦が始まり、自分たちが何者かに狙われていることに気づいたロイは少年を救い出すが、その少年トーマスはバレット家の血縁でばく大な遺産を相続する人物だった…。 主演ジュリアーノ・ジェンマが人情味あふれるガンマンを演じるマカロニ・ウエスタン。
Von Buttiglione Sturmtruppenführer
Assistente dello scienziato
Day of Violence
Two thugs take 15 people hostage and demand a ransom from the authorities million dollars in gold, a car and a plane to get out of the country.
Oedipus Orca
Sequel to "La Orca" which follows the life of the kidnapped girl after she returns home to her boyfriend and family. After her kidnap ordeal Alice tries to return to her normal life, but her memories still haunt her and her way to see the world has been changed forever.
Queen of Sex
Claudine is trying to uncover a mystery involving a bizarre cult involved in some weird sexual rituals.
Achtung! The Desert Tigers
During World War II, an American major is captured by the Germans and thrown into a POW camp run by a sadistic Nazi officer, whose main pleasures are whipping the local female population and torturing prisoners. The major organizes an escape attempt using the camp's nubile female doctor as a hostage.
SS Experiment Love Camp
Near the end of WW2, prisoners of war are used in experiments to perfect the Arian race.