David Pareja

David Pareja


David Pareja


Space Pyjamas
A couple is going through a crisis but after a fight they just go to bed. During the night they dream different versions of what their relationship could be like.
El mundo es vuestro
Rafi sneaks into the Marchioness's hunt, which brings together all the Spanish high society, to sell them his business. He and Fali will discover that hunting is not what it seems, and that the future of Spain is being decided on the farm.
Amigo is a fiction feature film that brings together psychological thriller and black comedy, bordering on the macabre, all in the form of an intimate drama.
Amigo is a fiction feature film that brings together psychological thriller and black comedy, bordering on the macabre, all in the form of an intimate drama.
Killing God
When Carlos (Eduardo Antuña) invites his father (Boris Ruiz) and his brother (David Pareja) to spend a pleasant New Year in a strange house isolated in the forest with him and his wife Ana (Itziar Castro). But what promised to be a quiet family dinner, suddenly is interrupted by the presence of a peculiar vagabond, dwarf and very bad man, who claims to be God (Emilio Gavira).
New Nando Martínez and Juan González film.
May God Save Us
Assistant Director
Madrid, summer 2011. Economic crisis. 15-M movement and 1.5 million pilgrims waiting for the Pope’s arrival live side by side in a Madrid that’s hotter and more chaotic than ever. In this context, detectives Velarde and Alfaro must find what seems to be a serial killer. Their against-the-clock hunt will make them realise something they’d never imagined: neither of them are so very different from the killer.
Esa sensación
Strange, irresistible sensations in three interwoven, often humorous stories about love, faith and human will in a surrealist portrait of Spain.
Cuenta con nosotros
Toti Canalla's Xmas Special
The Venga Monjas are about to make a christmas special, but Toti Canalla won't make it easy, making all kind of terrible things.
Searching for Meritxell
Juan finds himself lost in a spiral of sex, cannibalism, and internet.
アニメ『魔法少女ユキコ』に憧れる12歳の少女アリシアは、白血病であった。アリシアの父ルイスは、娘の秘密の願いノートを見つける。ノートを開くとそこには「魔法少女ユキコが着るドレスを着て踊ってみたい」と書いてあった。さらにページをめくると「13歳になりたい」の文字が。死期を悟る娘にショックを受けるルイス。ネットで検索したルイスは、そのドレスが有名デザイナーの手による一点モノの大変高価なコスチュームであることを知る。失業中で金の無いルイスは強盗を決意し宝飾店のウインドウガラスを石で叩き割ろうとするが、頭上から降ってきた嘔吐物により一線を越えずに済む。 嘔吐物は、階上に住む既婚女性バルバラが酒と睡眠薬で体調を崩した末に吐いたものだった。彼女は精神科医である夫のアルフレードに管理されていたが、孤独に打ちひしがれ常に寂しさを抱えていた。バルバラはルイスに詫び、汚した衣服の洗濯のため家に招き入れる。やがて孤独感と寂しさからふたりは男女の関係を持つが、翌日、ルイスは「不倫を夫にバラされたくなければ金を出せ」とバルバラを脅す。バルバラはやむを得ず旧友アダを訪ねて、「一夜の仕事」を紹介してもらい、金を用立てる。
Todos tus secretos
Susana has gathered all her friends to celebrate a very special evening: it's Toni's birthday, and for the first time he's away in Germany, but the distance is not going to stop them from celebrating together. No one suspects that after the party their lives will change forever.
Una cuestión de etiqueta
We will never forget you.
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Know your own city: Raúl Cimas
Raúl Cimas walks with the Venga Monjas thorugh the Paral‧lel, the Catalan Broadway.
Stracomb Tope de Fuerte
An epic story full of special effects and chases.
Final Challenge 1
Xabi receives a phone call. Suddenly, everything are complicated.
Funny Webcam Effects
The Coffee Table
Jesus and Maria are a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table. A decision that will change their existence.