Nico Toffoli

Nico Toffoli

出生 : 1969-12-18, Rieti, Italy


​ Actor, Writer, Director Lover of the Unusual and of the introspective Analysis ​While he graduated in Economics in 1995 at "La Sapienza" in Rome, and lasted as an EE.II Officer and International Corporate Controller, he began working with artistic performances in the best Dance Clubs in Italy and abroad. After the debut at Teatro in 1998 and on TV ("Barbecue", "Sarabanda Wrestling", "Commissario Rex") since 2002, obtains roles some of the major international productions, collaborating with great directors including Rob Mashall, Ron Howard, and Pupi Avati.  Member of SACT since 2008 and of the ISA "International Screenwriter Association" since 2012.  Author of "Legio Corpvs" in 2008. Michael Margotta "Actors Center" artistic training. Producer of "The Hidden Side of things" in 2015. Co-organizer of the "Pietrasanta Film Festival". Passionate about Anthroposophy.  Founder and President of the FOTONICA Cultural Association in 2017. In 2018 President of the "Rieti and Sabina Film Festival". In 2019 Founder and president of the "Ostia International Film Festival" and of the Special Sections "SuperheroLine" and "Ostia nel Cinema". Owner of the production company "Iperfire Production". Author of: "The Wizard Hunter: The Hunt for the Crowley Evangelion", "Black Bishop", "Vanishing Balances: Mafia vs. Yakuza", "Legio Corpvs: The Fire Dragon's Followers", "Equinox", "After the Fall".


Nico Toffoli


The Wizard Hunter: The Hunt for Evangelion Crowley
A detective of lost Art masterpieces will discover his hidden legacy and his true identity during his last mission.
The Wizard Hunter: The Hunt for Evangelion Crowley
A detective of lost Art masterpieces will discover his hidden legacy and his true identity during his last mission.
Romanzo radicale
Romanzo Radicale is political and human adventure of Marco Pannella, portraying the most intimate moments, the political fights, his unique gestures that have made an era.
Ser Manetto Donati
Based on the life and times of the poet Dante Alighieri.
Brian Blackman (uncredited)
アマルフィ 女神の報酬
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。
Carabieniere Riot (uncredited)