Toby Williams


The Drowning of Arthur Braxton
Mr. Worrell
When an awkward, heavily bullied schoolboy from a dysfunctional home discovers a beautiful water nymph hiding in an abandoned Edwardian bathhouse, he must confront his own personal demons in order to save them both from the depraved custodian who keeps the enchanted waters alive with the ritual sacrifice of children.
Don’t Walk
Jon and Val like to take a nice stroll, but they might want to quicken their pace if they want to stay alive.
Emily has opened a florist, she's living her dream, but she soon learns her new venture used to be a front for an entirely different business altogether.
There Are No Dividends
Darren Hobbs
Darren Hobbs, an entrepreneur, sneaks into a hotel conference room to conduct a careers day. Under the banner of his company: Unique Automation Consultants, he's searching for an engineer to help him complete his prototype, a device that enables warehouse owners to make their workforce, in Darren's words, semi-autonomous. Darren wants manual workers to be able to compete with the robots in the forthcoming automation revolution. Enter Phil Mathews, a hobbyist technology buff, trying to make a change in his career. This could be the start he needs, the job of his dreams. Things look promising; he's enamoured with Darren's pitch and lucrative job offer; until Darren unveils Eazy Guidance.
Fort Worth Investment Banker
19世紀、アメリカは電気の誕生による新時代を迎えようとしていた。白熱電球の事業化を成功させたトーマス・エジソンは天才発明家と崇められ、大統領からの仕事も平気で断る傲慢な男だった。裕福な実業家ジョージ・ウェスティングハウスは、大量の発電機が必要なエジソンの"直流"による送電方式より、遠くまで電気を送れて安価である"交流"による送電方式の方が優れていると考えていた。若手発明家のテスラも、効率的な"交流"の活用を提案するが、エジソンに一蹴されてしまう。 そんな中、ウェスティングハウスは"交流"での実演会を成功させ、話題をさらう。そのニュースにエジソンは激怒、"交流"による送電方式は危険で人を殺すと、ネガティブキャンペーンで世論を誘導していく・・・ こうして世紀の"電流戦争"が幕を開けた!訴訟や駆け引き、裏工作が横行する中、ウェスティングハウスはエジソンと決裂したテスラに近づく──果たしてこのビジネスバトルを制するのはどちらか──!?
Timothy and Raymond have run out of milk
Timothy Dukinson
Timothy and Raymond have run out of milk
Geographer (Present Day)
サンタを救え! ~クリスマス大作戦~
Nutcracker (voice)
A lowly stable elf finds that he is the only one who can stop an invasion of the North Pole by using the secret of Santa's Sleigh, a TimeGlobe, to travel back in time to Save Santa - twice.
Timothy Dukinson
The Dukinson brothers have finally beaten their arch rivals, but the Krullmuller sisters are out for blood and revenge is a dish best served underarm.
Island Queen
The Fisherman
Mim has never ventured off her little hometown island. It's time to leap into the adult world, by getting pregnant, with deeply unpleasant consequences.