Ilias Kapetanidis

Ilias Kapetanidis

出生 : 1941-01-01,

死亡 : 2001-01-01


Ilias Kapetanidis


It is on Ascension Day that Zoe, a brilliant computer analyst, visits the National Park in the center of Athens with her daughter, Katerina. That afternoon in the park, Zoe experiences an overwhelming array of instinctive compulsions and transforms into an ancient Maenad in ecstatic frenzy, even capable of murder. Instincts and animals get loose and panic takes over.
Άγρια οικογένεια
The Two Faces of Love
Eleana is a prostitute who appears to have been abused when she was younger. During her daily encounters with various clients, she meets a young labourer called Christos whom she momentarily tries to develop a normal relationship with. Old habits die hard and she soon hits the streets again but it's too late, Christos has become infatuated with Eleana and plans to marry her. Gradually, the pressure and stress of the situation starts to take it's toll on Eleana's sanity and leads to a surreal, nightmarish climax!
Ο Κύριος Σταθμάρχης
Ο Μανωλιός ξαναχτυπά
I Loved an Armchair
Years ago, Grigoris was forced to sell four velvet armchairs to the junk dealer. After the death of his aunt, he was informed that her entire legacy, which was a box of jewelry, was hidden in one of those four armchairs. In the meantime, the armchairs had been sold to other people, and so a desperate quest for the right armchair begins, resulting in many and sometimes grotesque adventures.
The Grouch
A nephew of three strange uncles loves a girl, but his uncles are against the marriage. A resourceful aunt takes the case and helps the couple.
Ο τρελός τα 'χει 400
A wretch employee wins a lot of money in the lottery and loses his mind. When he comes out of the mental hospital, he finds out that things at his home have changed radically.
Ψυχραιμία Ναπολέων!
Καπετάν Φάντης Μπαστούνι
Captain Andreas, a widower master learns that the planned departure postponed and the crew discovers hidden in the ship's refrigerator a girl, Marina. The company and the kind of behavior makes him take her with him to his home in Poros, which is home to the sister of Royal and two nephews. The presence of the marina there inflamed passions and causes the scheming sister, culminating when he set sail for the trip. When his ship sinks and he is considered missing, his sister declares him dead, eliminates the Marina and trying to reap his fortune with the help of their lawyer. Some time later, Andrew returns secretly finds Marina, marries her and takes her to his home, where enforce order ...