Wang Sen

Wang Sen

出生 : 1989-08-03, Beijing, China


Wang Sen


Wang Chao
After an accident, Yue is the sole caretaker for his older brother, Chao, and has been for 20 years. Zhi, his girlfriend, urges him to do something with his older brother or all of them are going to be miserable. Question is, will he actually be able to?
Shanghai Fortress
Pan Hantian
Set in the future, the city of Shanghai battle to defend itself against an ongoing attack by an alien force that has attacked and laid siege to numerous cities around the globe in it's quest to harvest a hidden energy only found on earth.
戦狼 ウルフ・オブ・ウォー
Shi Sanba
アフリカ、マダガスカル海域。一人の男が、海賊に襲われた貨物船を救出した。男の名はレン。元特殊部隊「戦狼」の精鋭だ。とある事件から軍籍を剥奪されたレンは、反政府 勢力に殺害された恋人・ロンの敵を討つべく、この地に渡っていたのだ。しかし、その最中、反乱が勃発。命からがら護衛艦に避難したレンだが、戦闘地域に民間人が取り残されているという話を耳にし、単独、戦地に舞い戻る。
The Match
The Male Queen
Year 550. The world is submerged in a cold war that has brought misfortune to his inhabitants. Han Man Yi is a sixteen-year-old commoner teenager whose village is attacked and destroyed by enemy soldiers. Hardly managing to escape, Han Man Yi is cornered by a group of soldiers; however, he is saved by General Chen Zi Hua, who attracted by the boy's beauty decides to take him with him. Chen Zi Hua gives Han Man Yi two options: take some money and leave or stay by his side and serve him. Having witnessed how one of his friends was murdered by the soldiers, a fearful Han Man Yi decides to enter the service of Zi Hua, who gives him the new name of "Zi Gao". Zi Gao soon becomes the favorite concubine of Zi Hua, who in addition to filling him with attentions, stars to teaching him archery, sword handling, martial arts and to play the harp. Over the years, a candid and honest love arises between both men.
The Ark Of Mr. Chow
Qin Hai
A group of bright teenagers are recruited for a special college program for young geniuses only to find themselves socially awkward among their more normal peers.
ウルフ・オブ・ウォー ネイビー・シールズ傭兵部隊 vs PLA特殊部隊
Ultracop 2000
In the distant year of 2000,two (count them) alien dudes from Mars "arouse panic" on the futuristic streets of Manila. Meanwhile a team of futuristic cops (they got headsets) try to bust Drago the drogbaron (a cameo by Melvin Wong). And on the other end of the town a comical gay geezer infected with AIDS try to commit suicide. Somehow these three subplots merge and the laughs begin.