Onigawara Momoka is a highschooler and she has the blood of an oni. She tries to hide her true identity while going to school and experiencing life with friends.
Three stories from Shiratsuna Island: "Mikan no hana"
Shiratsuna Island is the only remaining island city in Japan, but it is being merged with a city on the opposite shore. Housewife Misato Tomita lives on the island. "Umi no hoshi"
Yōhei Hamasaki, who was born on Shiratsuna Island, lives in an apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo with his wife, Tomomi, and their son, Taichi. "Kumo no ito"
Popular artist Hirotaka Kurosaki, who is a native of Shiratsuna Island, goes back to his hometown after seven years.
NHK連続テレビ小説として放映され、大ブームを巻き起こし、海外でも人気の高い国民的ドラマ「おしん」を映画化。おしんの少女時代に焦点を合わせ、苦しい家計のためにやむなく奉公に出された彼女がさまざまな苦難に見舞われながらも、たくましく生きていく姿を描く。おしん役は、オーディションで選出された新星・濱田ここね、母親役に上戸彩、父親役に稲垣吾郎と多彩な顔ぶれが集結。『星に願いを。 Nights of the Shooting Star』などで知られ山形県出身の冨樫森が監督を務め、極寒の山形県で全てのロケを行った。