Associate Producer
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his love for his almost three-year-old son. And yet he seems to lose his footing in his grief.
Emmi would like to cancel her subscription to "Like" magazine via e-mail. But due to a typo, her messages land in Leo Leike’s inbox. When Emmi repeatedly sends mails to the wrong address, Leo decides to inform her of her mistake. This marks the beginning of an extraordinary e-mail exchange, which can only be held between two strangers. Treading the fine line between complete strangeness and noncommittal intimacy, the two are soon sharing their innermost secrets and longings – until they need to face the unavoidable question: Will their feelings, sent and received virtually, survive the test of a real-life encounter? And what will happen if they do?
Associate Producer
好きなモノに囲まれ、自由気ままな独身生活を謳歌するプログラマーのパウル。5年前に開発した人工知能搭載アプリ「NANA」との甘い生活に心は満たされ、パウルにとってNANAは大切な存在になっていた。幼い頃からの親友で共同経営者のトニーは、デジタルに依存しているパウルを心配しつつも、自身の外見を磨くことに余念がない。 NANAをアメリカのIT実業家に売り込むプレゼンで、人を幸せにするために作ったと説明するパウルに対し、トニーは金儲けが真の目的であると主張する。結果400万ユーロ(約4.9億円)で買い取ってもらえることになり、従業員と共に祝杯をあげるトニー。しかしNANAで金儲けをしようとしていたことが許せないパウルは、トニーにある勝負を持ちかける。それは、持ち物すべてを倉庫に預け、裸一貫で所持金ゼロの状態から1日1つずつ必要なモノを取り戻し100日間生活する、とんでもない勝負だった。
パウルとトニーの100日間のバトル初日。2人は極寒のベルリンの街を裸で駆け抜け、全所持品が預けられた倉庫に向かう。たどり着いた倉庫で悩み抜いた末に、パウルはコート、トニーは寝袋を一番に選ぶ。あくる日、再び倉庫に来た2人の前に現れたのは、ゴージャスな衣装を着こなす魅力的な女性・ルーシー。パウルが彼女に目を奪われている中、トニーは彼女を我先にとデートに誘う。 身勝手過ぎるトニーに対し、次第に不信感が募り始めるパウル。トニーの策略によりNANAの買収金額が大幅にプラスされるも、相談なしに話を進められたことでさらに不信感が増していく。そしてある日、祖母の見舞いのために病院を訪れたパウルは、偶然ルーシーに出会い、彼女のある秘密を知ってしまう。そのことが原因で忽然と姿を消したルーシー。しかし、パウルの嫉妬によりルーシーを失ったと考えたトニーはパウルを殴り、ついに2人は仲違いをしてしまうのだった。 果たして、パウルとトニーは関係を取り戻すことができるのか。そして100日目を迎えた彼らが選んだ、本当に大切なモノとは…?
Associate Producer
A pair of Tactical Units Police Officers from different walks of life come together to rescue an ambassador's daughter.
After Sophie and Jessica had witnessed a brutal crime when they were kids, Jessica promised her younger sister Sophie: "I will always protect you!" Growing older, this promise became an obsession. Now, Jessica (28) is suffering from paranoia and sees threats to her and her sister everywhere. But Sophie (26) wants to live a normal life without fear, without her sister. She wants to become a pianist and wants to fall in love. When the perpetrators are released of prison after 20 years, Jessica is shocked and wants to confront them. But an accident changes everything. Jessica's promise to always protect her little sister turns into an existential nightmare.
Associate Producer
The overambitious pianist Andi and the more laid back Benno have one thing in common: They will both die soon. So the two of them decide to have the most awesome day before its too late.
Co-Executive Producer
A German man fells in love with a Turkish woman and changes his lifestyle for her family.
Associate Producer
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
Associate Producer
A short directed by Christian Mertens.
What is a socially acceptable conversation when your family's killer sits down to dinner? 'Unforgiven' explores the interactions between murderers, rapists, thieves and their victims in this documentary exploring the power of restorative justice, forgiveness and reconciliation 20 years after the Rwandan Genocide.