Guillaume Tremblay

Guillaume Tremblay


Guillaume Tremblay
Guillaume Tremblay


Policier SQ perquisition
それぞれの事情で世捨て人となり、カナダ・ケベック州の湖畔で静かに晩年を過ごす老人たちの穏やかで自由な共同生活の行方を、美しい自然とともに詩情あふれる筆致で描いた人生ドラマ。出演はアンドレ・ラシャペル、ジルベール・シコット、レミー・ジラール、ケネス・ウェルシュ。監督は本作が長編3作目のルイーズ・アルシャンボー。  ケベック州の人里離れた深い森の中の湖。そのほとりにたたずむ小屋に年老いた3人の男...
Wilcox exists outside the norm. Deserter, delinquent, or survivalist, he quietly roams, looking to put down roots or for what could simply be called freedom.
Ghost Town Anthology
It is a small village somewhere in Quebec with only 215 inhabitants. When young Simon Dubé dies in a car accident, the villagers’ tranquil and regulated existence is thrown out of step. People are decidedly reluctant to talk about the accident. Time seems to lose all meaning. Snowy, frosty winter days stretch out into infinity. Mysterious figures emerge from the fog and commit strange acts. But what seems strange is sometimes more familiar than one might suspect.
Joy of Man's Desiring
Que ta joie demeure is not a documentary about being a slave to the machine, alienation, dehumanisation or exploitation. Sound and image, editing and dramatic structure are merely employed to transpose workshops and factory floors into the cinematic space so as to explore the bizarre environments that workers adapt to and with which they skillfully interact, as if humanity had never done anything else since time immemorial.
Homme admiratif #1
David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.
Taking the Plunge 2
Valet de jour
Gaby and Fred are preparing for the world swimming championships which will be held in Quebec this year. Their love will be purt to the test when a former love of Gaby's turns up at the championships. Gaby finds herself at a crucial point of her life where she has to choose whether to continue competing or follow another dream that she's cherished forever, but which seems impossible to everyone else—her dream to become an astronaut.