Helgi Jóhannsson


Associate Producer
アイスランドの田舎で暮らす羊飼いの夫婦が、羊から産まれた羊ではない何かを育て、やがて破滅へと導かれていく様を描いたスリラー。「ローグ・ワン スター・ウォーズ・ストーリー」などの特殊効果を担当したバルディミール・ヨハンソンの長編監督デビュー作。山間に住む羊飼いの夫婦イングヴァルとマリアが羊の出産に立ち会うと、羊ではない何かが産まれてくる。子どもを亡くしていた2人は、その「何か」に「アダ」と名付け育てることにする。アダとの生活は幸せな時間だったが、やがてアダは2人を破滅へと導いていく。「プロメテウス」「ミレニアム」シリーズのノオミ・ラパスが主人公マリアを演じ、製作総指揮も務めた。アイスランドの作家・詩人として知られ、「ダンサー・イン・ザ・ダーク」の歌劇脚本を手がけたショーンがヨハンソンとともに共同脚本を担当。
Hver drap Friðrik Dór?
Villi Neto investigates the potential death of singer Friðrik Dór. On his hunt for truth Villi discovers that the conspiracy is much larger and deeper than anyone could have suspected.
When Rabbits Fly
A family of three (plus one rabbit) loses their social housing due to the father lying about being confined to a wheelchair and are subsequently forced to move into a cardboard box on top of Iceland's highest high rise. Desperate to keep the family together and with a baby on the way, Steingrímur, the head of the family, comes up with a devious plan that could either save his family, or tear it apart completely.
Áfram Latibær
Lighting Director
Latibær is full of colourful characters who have a very negative attitude towards physical activity, healthy food and so on. They prefer to stuff themselves with sweets and watch television all day. As a result they are all weak and flabby. To change this, the Sports-Elf arrives, and through his positive attitude, driving magnetism and by not taking no for an answer, he persuades the inhabitants to change their destructive lifestyle.
The Box
Post Production Supervisor
The film tells the tale of a man named Kalli, a scruffy looking 30 year old, that lives in his brother’s garage. As he wakes up hung-over on the morning of his birthday. He finds to his surprise an over sized box in his living room. Inside the box is a very unusual birthday present from his brother Teitur. As Kalli opens the box, he discovers that the gift is a woman from East-Europe, that was mailed to him. As Kalli struggles to convince his brother that giving someone a mail-order bride on their birthday is not the right thing to do, he realizes what a sociopath his brother really is. And though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he too has some serious women issues and does not respect them as human beings. In the end the film shows how so many men treat women like objects. Although the film deals with serious issues it does so in a light and absurd way so the laughs are plenty and never far between.
The Box
The film tells the tale of a man named Kalli, a scruffy looking 30 year old, that lives in his brother’s garage. As he wakes up hung-over on the morning of his birthday. He finds to his surprise an over sized box in his living room. Inside the box is a very unusual birthday present from his brother Teitur. As Kalli opens the box, he discovers that the gift is a woman from East-Europe, that was mailed to him. As Kalli struggles to convince his brother that giving someone a mail-order bride on their birthday is not the right thing to do, he realizes what a sociopath his brother really is. And though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he too has some serious women issues and does not respect them as human beings. In the end the film shows how so many men treat women like objects. Although the film deals with serious issues it does so in a light and absurd way so the laughs are plenty and never far between.
The Box
The film tells the tale of a man named Kalli, a scruffy looking 30 year old, that lives in his brother’s garage. As he wakes up hung-over on the morning of his birthday. He finds to his surprise an over sized box in his living room. Inside the box is a very unusual birthday present from his brother Teitur. As Kalli opens the box, he discovers that the gift is a woman from East-Europe, that was mailed to him. As Kalli struggles to convince his brother that giving someone a mail-order bride on their birthday is not the right thing to do, he realizes what a sociopath his brother really is. And though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he too has some serious women issues and does not respect them as human beings. In the end the film shows how so many men treat women like objects. Although the film deals with serious issues it does so in a light and absurd way so the laughs are plenty and never far between.