Vlasta Fialová

Vlasta Fialová

出生 : 1928-01-20, Brno, Czechoslovakia [now in Czech Republic]

死亡 : 1998-01-13


Vlasta Fialová
Vlasta Fialová


O buchtách a milování
Třetí sudička
O zakletém hadovi
O vodě, lásce a štěstí
Prokop Diviš
Tam kde hnízdí čápi
Julius a Ethel
Jablíčko z laciného kraje
Juanova košile
Ostrov Afrodity
Jak se Kudla přepočítal
Touha Sherlocka Holmese
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.
Vodník z Kaňky
Strýčkův sen
Tři pohádky o zvířátkách
Nejkrásnější kočičí píseň
Fraška o kadi
The Genius
Viola Hluchová
A Slovak comedy from director Štefan Uher and screenwriter Alfonz Bednár.
Lucky Jim
TV play adapted from humorous novel by Kingsley Amis (1954).
Pohádková krabice
Tři strýčkové a Dominik
Niet inej cesty
Den velkého hněvu
Irkutská historie
Člověk nikdy neví
Alcestin návrat
Námestie svätej Alžbety
Ubohá šťastná Kateřina Bezemoreová
Neklidné štěstí
Vdova Kapetová
Deváté jméno
Zmoudření dona Quijota
Blátivé cesty
Spanilá jízda
Newyorská romance
Chléb, který jíte
Totální kuropění
Kavkazský křídový kruh
Gazdina roba
Chlapec a srna
Policejní hodina
Markoltovo šprýmování aneb Frantové a bařtipáni
Zlé pondělí
Na shledanou v sobotu
Dom na rázcestí
dr. Emília Kortanová
Občan Brych
Legend of Love
Mehmene Banu
A spring is hidden in the Iron Mountain but the people of Arzen cannot get to it and they are suffering from thirst.
From My Life
paní Fröjda
Venice Film Festival 1955
Secretary Anna Vebrová
The happenings in a shoe factory serve as a not very thinly veiled examination of the pros and cons of both socialism and democracy.
Jestřáb kontra Hrdlička
DS-70 nevyjíždí
Victorious Wings
Workers from the aviation factory near Prague set up a racing club for young people that will take part in the international sailing competition for Czechoslovakia.
Divá Bára
Divá Bára
This is a romantic story about a brave, self-made girl, despised daughter of a shepherd. She is not afraid of anything - neither night nor swimming. But the superstitious villagers are telling weird stories about her and about all sorts of strange things, even her conjunction with the powers of hell.