Franco Adducci


「モンティ・パイソン」で知られる鬼才テリー・ギリアム監督が、ミュンヒハウゼン男爵の奇想天外な大冒険をつづった「ほらふき男爵の冒険」を映画化したファンタジー大作。 18世紀、トルコ軍占領下にあるドイツの海岸沿いの町。貧困と飢えに苦しむ人々であふれた崩れかけた城壁の中の廃墟と化した小さな町のロイヤル劇場の舞台に、バロン・ミュンヒハウゼンは突然姿を現わした。彼は、トルコ軍は自分を探していると語り、なぜトルコ軍に追われるはめになったかを話し始めるが、あまりにも荒唐無稽で誰にも相手にされない。
Subway Passenger (uncredited)
Federico Fellini welcomes us into his world of film making with a mockumentary about his life in film, as a Japanese film crew follows him around.
7 Kilos in 7 Days
Two not very clever young doctors open a fitness center and promise to let people lose seven kilos in seven days. When the enterprise fails they open a gourmet restaurant.
The Killer Is Still Among Us
Forensic student Christina Marelli decide to write about a mysterious serial killer targeting couples in love...
Casablanca, Casablanca
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino, and Cacasenno
During the reign of King Alboin, the peasant Bertoldo, sly and smart, manages to always get away with pranks and pleasantires with great mastery, and, even if his clumsy wife Marcolfa and their foolish son Bertoldino always put him in trouble, his shrewdness and acumen save him from any unfortunate situation...
Robbery Roman Style
After scoring big in a high-profile bank robbery, a gang of Milanese criminals has to hide in a monastery.