Chae Kyung-hwa

Chae Kyung-hwa


Chae Kyung-hwa


Costume Design
人質 韓国トップスター誘拐事件
Costume Design
「ただ悪より救いたまえ」「新しき世界」などで知られる韓国の俳優ファン・ジョンミンが実名で主演を務め、誘拐・監禁されたトップスターの決死の脱出劇を描いたサスペンス。 記者会見から帰宅の途についた国民的スター俳優ファン・ジョンミンが、ひと気のない路地で何者かに連れ去られた。警察や関係者は必死で行方を捜すが、証拠も目撃情報もない。一方、パイプ椅子に縛りつけられた状態で意識を取り戻したファン・ジョンミンは、自分が身代金目的で誘拐されたことを知る。まるでゲームのように犯行を楽しむ若者たちは、ソウルを震撼させている猟奇殺人事件の犯人だった。唯一の武器である卓越した演技力で犯人たちに対峙するファン・ジョンミンだったが……。 共演はドラマ「イカゲーム」のイ・ユミ、ドラマ「梨泰院クラス」のリュ・ギョンス。
モガディシュ 脱出までの14日間
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1990年、ソウル五輪で大成功を収め勢いづく韓国政府は国連への加盟を目指し、多数の投票権を持つアフリカ諸国へのロビー活動に励んでいた。ソマリアの首都モガディシュで韓国大使を務めるハン(キム・ユンソク)は、現地政府の上層部に何とか取り入ろうとしている。 一方、韓国より20年も早くアフリカ諸国との外交を始めていた北朝鮮のリム大使(ホ・ジュノ)も国連加盟のために奔走し、両国間の妨害工作や情報操作はエスカレートしていく。 そんな中、ソマリアの現政権に不満を持つ反乱軍による内戦が激化。暴徒に大使館を追われた北朝鮮のリム大使は、絶対に相容れない韓国大使館に助けを求める決意をする。果たして、ハン大使は彼らを受け入れるのか、全員で生きて脱出することができるのか、そしてその方法は──?
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To acquire ancient artifacts for a private collector, a cunning grave robber and his band of ingenious thieves carry out a series of risky heists.
Okay! Madam
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A working class family wins a free vacation to Hawaii. But when their plane takes flight, it gets hijacked by terrorists. To save her family and the other passengers, the wife must reveal her secret past and fight back.
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A retired contract killer goes on a bloody rampage when a young girl finds herself at the mercy of gangland human traffickers and only one man can come to her rescue, with an arsenal of weapons and years of experience in the art of killing.
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「ミッドナイト・ランナー」の主演パク・ソジュンとキム・ジュファン監督が再びタッグを組み、悪魔祓いをテーマに、若き格闘家とベテラン神父が悪に立ち向かう姿を描いたアクション。幼少期に事故で父を亡くし、そのせいで神への信仰を失ったまま育った総合格闘技の若き世界チャンピオンのヨンフ。ある日、彼は右手に見覚えのない傷ができていることに気づく。傷について調べるうち、何かに導かれるかのようにバチカンから派遣されたエクソシストのアン神父と出会ったヨンフは、自身の内に秘められた正義の力の存在を知り……。アン神父役は「光州5・18」「シルミド SILMIDO」などで知られる演技派アン・ソンギ。
EXIT イグジット
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At his mother's 70th birthday party, Yong-nam runs into Eui-joo, who rejected him in college. When the city is engulfed in toxic gas from a terrorist attack, the two must find a way to escape using all the techniques they learned in their college rock climbing club.
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17-year-old Joo-ri discovers her father is having an affair with the mother of her hard-headed classmate Yoon-ah.
Hit-and-Run Squad
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Min-jae, a rookie police officer with a natural born talent for driving, is assigned to the perfect team: the Hit-and-Run Squad. But at the same time, for police detective Si-yeon, it is a place she is unjustly demoted to for doing her job. The two team up to arrest the rich and powerful speed maniac Jae-chul who is suspected of committing crimes for his obsession for speed.
Take Point
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On the day of the U.S. presidential election in 2024, a team of elite mercenaries embark on a secret CIA mission to abduct North Korea's politician in an underground bunker below the Korean Demilitarized Zone. However, they get caught in the crossfire which causes tensions to escalate to the brink of World War III.
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Only one week left until South Korea will go under sovereign default. Han Shi-Hyun is a leader of the monetary policy team at the Bank of Korea. and is assigned to a crisis team.
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An ace police crisis negotiator, Chae-yoon, is called to the scene where her supervisor is taken hostage. Through the control room monitor, she is faced with the cold-blooded hostage taker, Tae-gu, whose demeanors are difficult to interpret. Against the 21-hour deadline Tae-gu has set, Chae-yoon tirelessly tries to crack the unusually calm perp over multiple video-calls. Eventually, the shocking truth begins to unveil.
工作 黒金星(ブラック・ヴィーナス)と呼ばれた男
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Seven Years of Night
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Set against the haunting backdrop of a small lake town, this chilling thriller unravels a meticulous revenge set over a period of 7 years, all beginning with the accidental death of an innocent girl.
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犯罪組織の殺し屋として育てられたスクヒは、いつしか育ての親ジュンサンに恋心を抱き、やがて2人は結婚するが、ジュンサンが敵対組織に殺害される。怒りにかられたスクヒは復讐を果たすが、国家組織に拘束されてしまい、国家の下すミッションを10年間こなせば自由の身になるという条件をのみ、国家直属の暗殺者として第2の人生を歩み始める。やがて、新たな運命の男性と出会い、幸せを誓ったスクヒだったが、結婚式当日に新たなミッションが下され……。<「渇き」のキム・オクビンが女暗殺者を熱演したスタイリッシュアクション。日本で「22年目の告白 私が殺人犯です」としてリメイクされた映画「殺人の告白」で知られるチョン・ビョンギル監督が手がけた。>
The Mayor
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For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.
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Ordinary Person
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Major crimes unit detective Seong-jin arrests Tae-sung for petty crimes, but shocked to find out that he is the notorious serial killer. However, Seong-jin becomes doubtful of his identity as the serial murder case is investigated.
A Single Rider
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Promising fund manager Jae-hoon is at the brink of losing everything when his company goes bankrupt. Overwhelmed by despair, he takes an impulsive trip to Australia where his wife and son live. As his trip nears its unexpected end, Jae-hoon gets a chance to look back on his life.
Costume Design
フランスのベストセラー『時空を超えて』を舞台を韓国に移して映画化したSFラブストーリー。過去に戻れる10粒の薬を手に入れた中年の主人公が、30年前に亡くなった恋人を救うべく、過去の若かりし自分と繰り広げる愛と葛藤の物語をエモーショナルに綴る。主演はキム・ユンソクとピョン・ヨハン。監督は「キッチン ~3人のレシピ~」のホン・ジヨン。医師のハン・スヒョンは、ボランティアで訪れたカンボジアで、村の長老からお礼にと過去に戻れるという10粒の薬をもらう。半信半疑ながら、30年前に事故で亡くなった恋人ヨナに、もう一度ひと目会いたいと願い薬を飲んだスヒョンは、本当に1985年にタイムスリップしてしまう。そこで過去の自分と再会したスヒョンは、自らの正体を明かし、ヨナの身に起こる事実を告げるのだったが...。
トンネル 闇に鎖された男
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The Hunt
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When raw gold is discovered deep in the woods, a group of gold hunters arrive to mine it. Several neighbors in the area witness the hunters by chance and find themselves in danger. Among the witnesses, hunter Ki-sung risks his life to protect the other witnesses and engages the gold hunters in a cat-and-mouse game of death.
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An aging actress is desperate to become a mother. In menopause and too controversial for legal adoption, she decides to illegally adopt from a pregnant teenager while publicly faking pregnancy. The ensuing media circus at first revitalizes her career but then threatens to grow out of control and destroy everything she cares about.
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A woman gets kidnapped in the middle of the day and is tortured in a psychiatric hospital. A Journalist gets on the trace of the case and tries to find out the truth.
The Exclusive: Beat the Devil's Tattoo
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An unsuccessful journalist becomes a star after he writes an article about the memo of an unknown serial killer. But when he learns that the memo was just part of a novel, he decides to cover up everything.
無頼漢 渇いた罪
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A homicide detective tries to flush out a mob enforcer by befriending the suspect's beautiful girlfriend, but soon develops romantic feelings for her.
The Deal
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A cop catches a serial killer who murdered his sister but never finds her body. The lack of closure torments him and drives his brother-in-law insane, who makes a deal with the mafia for revenge.
C'est Si Bon
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A beautiful socialite enters the lives of three bickering musicians and inspires them to write a series of hit love-songs.
The Tenor - Lirico Spinto
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The talented Korean tenor, Bae, who penetrate the audience's hears through his delicate and powerful singing, is on the rise to stardom at the European opera scene. Sawada, a Japanese music producer, is searching for a new tenor for an upcoming performance. He watches a performance of Bae and invites him to Japan, which marks the beginning of friendship. But, the thyroid cancer strikes Bae. During an operation, the nerves of his vocal cords has be cut due to the widely spread cancer. Unfortunately, Ba ends up losing his voice at the peak of his career. Sawada cant's stand to watch Bae's miserable so he starts to look for a solution.
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ソウルの大学で不祥事に巻き込まれ、片田舎の講師として赴任してきた教授ハッキュ (チョン・ウソン)は、退屈な毎日に辟易していた少女ドク(イ・ソム)と、 激しい愛に溺れる。しかし、ハッキュは復職することになり、ドクに手切れ金を渡して別れよとする。時を同じくし、ハッキュのうつ病の妻は、娘の前で自殺してしまう― 8年後、ハッキュは作家として名声を浴び放蕩な日々を送っていたが、高校生になった娘のチョン(パク・ソヨン)は母親の自殺が父親のせいだと思い憎しみを抱いていた。ハッキュは病気で徐々に視力を失って行く。全てを失いかけたハッキュの前に現れた女セジョン。目がほとんど見えないハッキュはセジョンがドクだとは気づかず依存していく。ドクなしでは何もできなくなってしまったハッキュ、そして二人の関係に気づき嫉妬をするチョン。三人の危険な関係の中、ついに全てを手中に収めたドクは、ハッキュを破滅に導くが…
タチャ 神の手
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Dae-gil has been skilled with his hands and has shown a strong desire for winning ever since he was a child. He will succeed his uncle and jump into the world of Tazza, risking his life in competition.
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プロの囲碁棋士テソクは、サルスのチームの陰謀により兄を亡くし、さらには殺人の寃罪をかけられてしまう。 数年後、サルスチームへの復讐を誓ったテソクは全国の有名な選手たちを集め、負ければ生きて帰ることは許されない悪名高きサルスチームに勝負を挑む。
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An unappreciated old granny magically turns 20 years old again and decides to make the most of her newfound youth.
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A serial killer tries to live peacefully with his son in a countryside village. But a girl who knows he's a killer moves in. He decides he must kill her to protect his new life.
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Jeong-yoon and Jong-bae own a car body repair shop together that gets in financial trouble. To help cover the losses and take care of her family, Jeong-yoon decides to smuggle thirty kilograms of cocaine.
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Mr. Go
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A 15-year-old circus ringmaster Wei-wei is left all alone with gorilla Ling-ling after grandfather passes away. Thanks to her grandfather's love for baseball, Ling-ling was trained to play baseball and has developed remarkable hitting skills.
Rockin' on Heaven's Door
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Troubled celebrity Choong-Ui (Lee Hong-Ki) gets into trouble with the law. Choong-Ui is then forced to do volunteer work at a health-care facility for the terminally ill that is about to be closed down. While working at the hospice, Choong-Ui is able to come to terms with his own psychological wounds and, at the same time, help the patients to continue with their dreams.
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A woman's child is kidnapped and killed after paying the ransom. 15 years later, a mysterious figure is seen visiting the site of killing and another kidnapping occurs using the same methods. The woman teams up with a detective to catch the killer once and for all.
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10人もの女性が殺害された連谷(ヨンゴク)殺人事件。刑事のチェ・ヒョングは、殺人犯をギリギリまで追い詰めるも、顔を深く切り付けられて犯人を取り逃がしてしまう。17年の後、イ・ドゥソクという男が自分が事件の犯人だと名乗りを上げた。 時効が成立して法に裁かれることはなくなったドゥソクは、事件の全容を克明に記した本「私が殺人犯だ」を出版する。衝撃的な内容と、その美しいルックスが相まって告白本は瞬く間に300万部のベストセラーになり、彼は一躍スターとなった。 ヒョングはドゥソクに怒りを募らせる一方、彼が告白本には書かれていない未解決の失踪事件の真犯人ではないかと確信する。 ドゥソクは因縁の相手ヒョングへの卑劣な挑発によってメディアの注目を集めようと企む。そして事件の被害者遺族がドゥソクの殺害を画策する事件までもが発生。メディアの報道はますます過熱する。 そんな中、連谷事件の凶器を証拠品として真犯人を名乗るJという人物が現れる。
Don't Click
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A horror movie about the mysterious happenings that happen to a pair of sisters after watching an unidentified video. Directed by Kim Tae-kyeong, Park Bo-yeong plays Se-hee who tries to save her sister Jeong-mi, her boyfriend Joo Won and Kang Byeol plays the sister.
サニー 永遠の仲間たち
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A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangsters who paid him.
Parallel Life
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A young man finds out that he is living a completely identical life to another man who lived decades ago. And when his wife is murdered the same way as the previous man's, he decides to dig into the older case to find clues about who was the murderer this time.
Attack the Gas Station 2
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It’s been 10 years since Mr. Park’s gas station was attacked by motorcycle gangs. To get his revenge, Park hires a quartet of dodgy boys: a lethal puncher, a footballer with a killer high kick, a potbellied wrestler, and a video game addict who mastered the art of bluffing. But these employees turn out to be more dangerous when they demand their overdue salaries.
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Joong-ho is a dirty detective turned pimp in financial trouble as several of his girls have recently disappeared without clearing their debts. While trying to track them down, he finds a clue that the vanished girls were all called up by the same client whom one of his girls is meeting with right now.
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Dr. Jung Nam finds a photo album dating back to his days as an intern at the Ansaeng Hospital. This triggers memories of his life. In 1942, as a young medical intern, Jung-Nam's arranged marriage ended when his fiancée, whom he had never met, committed suicide. Later he was assigned to monitor the morgue late at night. There he fell in love with a corpse, which is later revealed as the body of his deceased fiancée. Soon other mysterious events take place in the hospital, involving a young girl haunted by ghosts and a serial killer targeting Japanese soldiers.
初雪の恋 ヴァージン・スノー
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This Charming Girl
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Jeong-hye, a woman in her 30s, works at the post office and lives a quite monotonous life alone in an apartment with her cat. Apart from having lunch with the girls at work, she is all by herself, until an aspiring writer is attracted by her.
Resurrection of the Little Match Girl
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A young man is on a quest to beat the game and rescue the Little Match Girl from the hands of the corporation that operates the game, but can he succeed?
The Foul King
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A wimpy, incompetent bank clerk decides to become a pro wrestler.