Neil Druckmann

Neil Druckmann

出生 : 1978-12-05, Israel


Neil Druckmann‎; born December 5th 1978 is an Israeli-American writer, creative director, and programmer, and Vice President of Naughty Dog, known for his work in the video games The Last of Us and Uncharted Series. He was born and raised until the age of 10 in Israel, where his experiences with entertainment would later influence his storytelling techniques. He studied computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, before searching for work in the video game industry.


Neil Druckmann


Executive Producer
トレジャーハンターのネイサン・ドレイクが伝説の秘宝や古代都市の謎に挑む人気アクションアドベンチャーゲーム「アンチャーテッド」シリーズを、トム・ホランド&マーク・ウォールバーグの共演で実写映画化。ニューヨークでバーテンダーとして働くネイサン・ドレイク(ネイト) は、器用な手さばきを見込まれ、トレジャーハンターのビクター・サリバン(サリー) から、50億ドルの財宝を一緒に探さないかとスカウトされる。ネイトは、消息を絶った兄のことをサリーが知っていたことから、トレジャーハンターになることを決意する。同じく財宝を狙う組織との争奪戦の末に、手がかりとなるゴールドの十字架を手にしたネイトとサリーは、500年前に消えたとされる幻の海賊船へとたどり着くが……。マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース版「スパイダーマン」シリーズで知られるトム・ホランドがネイト、「トランスフォーマー」シリーズのマーク・ウォールバーグがサリーを演じる。監督は「ヴェノム」「ゾンビランド」のルーベン・フライシャー。
Naughty Dog: 30th Anniversary Video
Naughty Dog was founded in 1984. This in-depth documentary takes us on a journey from the beginning of the company to the household name we now know today.
The Last of Us: One Night Live
To celebrate the launch of the PS4 version of The Last of Us, Naughty Dog brings last year’s Game of the Year to life in front of hundreds of fans in Santa Monica. This special one night only event will celebrate the artistry behind the game with a performance of the score, plus a “live read” of key scenes featuring the principal actors, as directed by Neil Druckmann
The Last of Us: One Night Live
To celebrate the launch of the PS4 version of The Last of Us, Naughty Dog brings last year’s Game of the Year to life in front of hundreds of fans in Santa Monica. This special one night only event will celebrate the artistry behind the game with a performance of the score, plus a “live read” of key scenes featuring the principal actors, as directed by Neil Druckmann
From Dreams: The Making of the Last of Us - Left Behind
Go behind-the-scenes to explore the themes of love and loss and how The Last of Us: Left Behind single player story chapter was created.
How Videogames Changed the World
From Pong to Grand Theft Auto, Charlie Brooker delves into the history of videogames and pulls out a selection of its most significant titles. From Atari to Angry Birds, How Videogames Changed the World explores how interactive entertainment evolved from a penny arcade diversion into a medium that some believe is art, and shows how it is changing the way we work, communicate and, of course, play. Joined by Jonathan Ross, Dara O'Briain and gaming legends like Will Wright and John Romero, Brooker looks at how videogames have become the most progressive art form of the last 40 years. This humorous and insightful tour will surprise and entertain the uninitiated and dedicated gamers alike.
Grounded: Making The Last of Us
A feature-length exploration of the game's creation, GROUNDED: Making the Last of Us is a love letter to the trials of exploring new territory. There are no road maps or guide books for creating a new world. The only way through is to fail—over and over again. This is the story of how a team of artists, musicians, programmers, writers, actors, filmmakers, playtesters, and a lonely UI designer—came together and pushed each other to build something larger than themselves.
Uncharted: Eye of Indra
In the run-up to the release of 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves', Naughty Dog and Sony Computer Entertainment published 'Uncharted: Eye of Indra'. This motion comic is a prequel to the events shown in 'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune',
Uncharted: Eye of Indra
In the run-up to the release of 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves', Naughty Dog and Sony Computer Entertainment published 'Uncharted: Eye of Indra'. This motion comic is a prequel to the events shown in 'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune',