Park Hui-joo


The son of a North Korean spy decides to follow in his father's footsteps to protect his little sister. After his father's botched espionage mission, North Korean Myung-hoon and his young sister Hye-in are sent to a labor prison camp. In order to save his sister's life, Myung-hoon volunteers to become a spy and infiltrates the South as a teenage defector. While attending high school in the South, he meets another girl named Hye-in, and rescues her when she comes under attack.
18世紀末に実在した天才絵師シン・ユンボクの謎に満ちた生涯を、“ユンボクは女だった”という大胆な仮説のもとに、その代表作“美人図”に秘められた愛の物語をスリリングかつ官能的に綴る歴史絵巻。主演は「下流人生」のキム・ミンソン、共演に「後悔なんてしない」のキム・ナムギル。監督は「僕の、世界の中心は、君だ。」のチョン・ユンス。  4代続いた宮廷絵師の家に生まれ、天才的な絵の才能を持ちながらも女ゆえに表舞台に出ることはなかったはずの末娘は、自殺した兄シン・ユンボクに成り代わり、男装して女人禁制の図画署に入ることに。名絵師キム・ホンドにその才能を見込まれ、絵に全てを捧げて生きるユンボクだったが、鏡職人ガンムと出会い恋に落ちてしまう。一方、愛弟子の秘密に気づきながらもユンボクへの想いを抑え続けていたキム・ホンドだったが…。
Daddy Long Legs
Director of Photography
A woman gets help from an unknown man and becomes a successful screenwriter and lives a happy life. Later, she remembers the unknown man and decides to find out who he is.