Naomi / Cameron
A chilling horror anthology comprising five short stories, penned by an unlikely group of aspiring writers, in Sugarton - a small town plagued by the apparent return of an infamous serial killer, dubbed "Cutthroat." They've come to share their scary stories (with each other and the bookstore owner, Peter, who leads the group), but soon discover they've become the stars of a sick killer's own twisted tale.
A classic tale of love and survival in the brutal world of bare knuckle fighting. Powerfully told and acted by a wonderful ensemble of actors. Jazz and Gia each struggle to survive in their "other-side-of-the-tracks worlds. He desperately looks for a way out of the dark past that haunts him and the violence he faces daily as a bare knuckle fighter. Gia leads a bitter and lonely life trying to main
A baseball drama about two retired players who continue their "duel" at the mound, while they struggle to find their place in life.
A brother and sister struggle to help each other find love while their spiritual mother tries to guide them in the right direction.