Yuya Matsuura

Yuya Matsuura


Yuya Matsuura


Kota Iwasaki
College student Sakura (Rikka Ihara) has trouble fitting in with her class. Her childhood friend Satoshi (Taiyu Fujiwara) thinks that a change of scenery is just what she needs to feel better, and along with another childhood friend, Nozomi (Shiori Akita), he invites her to come work a part-time job at a resort inn on an island. The inn is normally run by a husband-and-wife couple, along with a part-timer named Iwasaki.
Luca lost her family in the Great East Japan Earthquake causing her not to be able to speak. However, her singing voice shakes the hearts of those who listen to her. It is a hymn of compassion played by Luca and the people.
Shigeji Igusa
Based on the murder of nine street peddlers in the aftermath of the Great Kanto earthquake
Haruka, a young recognized female entrepreneur, was forced to retire from her company due to the abuse of her authority. For her pride, she attempts to sell her family home and starts her new business, despite her two brothers and a sister living and running a small restaurant at the house.
God Bless You
Mad Cats
Taka, a shiftless young man, sets off on a quest to find his brother Mune. Teaming up with a quirky new friend and an edgy, mysterious young girl along the way, Taka finds himself taking on a pack of vicious monster cats determined to execute unscrupulous pet shop owners.
何もない栃木の田舎町で、くすぶり続ける映画監督の渡辺紘文。地元・栃木を拠点に映画製作団体「大田原愚豚舎」を旗揚げし、東京国際映画祭で数々の受賞歴を持つ渡辺は、自他ともに認める“世界の渡辺”である。しかし“世界の渡辺”もいまは脚本も書けず、大手映画会社から依頼がくることもなく、地元の仲間たちと悪態をつきながら日々を過ごしていた。 ある日、旧知のプロデューサーから、世界的映画監督“KOREEDA”の代打で沖縄での映画制作の話が舞い込む。久々の映画制作に浮足立つ渡辺が沖縄に向かうと「いますぐ俺を主人公にして映画を作れ」と“社長”に高級ホテルに缶詰めにされる。しかし脚本は1ページも書けず、結局、“社長”にも見限られ、ホテルを追い出された渡辺はひとり映画館へ足を運ぶ。 「すみません。映画監督の渡辺紘文という者なんですが、自分の映画を上映してもらえる劇場を探しています」 コロナ禍にひとりミニシアターを訪ね歩く渡辺は、その道中でいつも正体の異なる不思議な少女に出会い、導かれていく。ようやく兵庫・豊岡劇場で上映が決まるも、誰も“世界の渡辺”を知らず、チケットはまったく売れない。渡辺は、ついに日本最北端の映画館・大黒座に行きつく。
岡山県真庭市を舞台に、日本社会と家族制度の歪みに潜んだ悲劇と希望を描いた群像劇。 かつて韓国の乗馬競技で将来を期待されていた男性チャンスは、父親の会社の倒産で多額の借金を負い、現在は真庭市の採石場でベトナム人労働者たちとともに働いている。一方、刑事の父親と2人で暮らす女子高生・山吹は、交差点でサイレントスタンディングを始める。2人とその周囲の人々の運命は、本人たちも知らない間に交錯していく。 チャンスを韓国出身の俳優カン・ユンス、山吹を「サマーフィルムにのって」の祷キララが演じる。監督・脚本は、真庭市で農業を営みながら映画制作を続ける山崎樹一郎。「大人のためのグリム童話 手をなくした少女」のセバスチャン・ローデンバックがアニメーションパートを手がけ、フランソワ・トリュフォーら名だたる巨匠たちの作品に携わってきたヤン・ドゥデが編集協力。
Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There are no new jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and diners and internet cafes are closed. Michiko is at her wits' end, but there in front of her is a bus stop that stands slightly brightly in the darkness, illuminated only by the streetlights.
田舎町でひとり農家を営む田中淳一(相葉雅紀)は、元妻・爽子(江口のりこ)と東京で暮らす小学生の息子の一也(上原剣心)が、突然ひとりで訪ねて来たのをきっかけに、しばらく一緒に暮らすことになる。ちょうどその頃から、近くの森では不可解な怪奇現象が立て続けに発生し、淳一が住む町でも、住民の不審死や失踪事件が相次いでいた――。そんな矢先、淳一と一也も偶然得体の知れない“それ”を目撃してしまう。「 “それ”の正体とはいったい――!?」淳一は一也の担任の絵里(松本穂香)とともに、怪奇現象に巻き込まれていくが、それは未知なる恐怖の始まりにすぎなかった――。
中年の刑事・深間には、いったん激怒すると見境なく暴力を振るってしまうという悪癖があった。かつてはその暴力を活かして街から暴力団を一掃した功労者と讃えられたこともあったが、度重なる不祥事に加え、大立ち回りで死者まで出してしまった責任を問われ、海外の治療施設へと送られることになる。数年後、治療半ばにして日本に呼び戻された深間は、見知った街の雰囲気が一変してしまったことに気づく。行きつけだった猥雑な店はなくなり、親しくしていた飲み仲間や、面倒をみていた不良たちの姿もない。一方、町内会のメンバーで結成された自警団は「安心・安全」のスローガンを掲げて高圧的な「パトロール」を繰り返している。一体、この街に何が起きているのか? 深間の中に、久しく忘れていた怒りの炎がゆらめき始める……。
あいたくて あいたくて あいたくて
一年前に夫を亡くした淳子は夫の残したタイ料理屋を一人で切り盛りしていた。ある日淳子は店に置くハンドメイドのテーブルを通信販売で購入する。 送られてきたテーブルは素朴で素敵な作りをしていたが、オマケで送られてきた人形の首が取れていた。気遣いのつもりで淳子がメールすると家具職人の祐司から送りなおすと返事がくる。 そもそも不必要なものが壊れて送られてきたことに納得のいかない淳子は「親切の押し売りはやめて、あなたは宮沢賢治の『ツェねずみ』のねずみにそっくりです」と再度返信。 そこから二人の会話が始まった…。  夫との死別から立ち直ろうとする淳子と生真面目すぎるバツイチ男・裕司の心の交流が観る者の心を温かくする。人生の半ばを過ぎた大人たちに訪れた優しいラブストーリー。
Sanae (An Ogawa) is a high school girl preparing to take university entrance exams. She isn't very good at socializing. She wants to hurry up and become an adult, but it isn't going very well. Over summer vacation, Sanae's sister comes home from college in Tokyo, and her parents decide to hire a housekeeper. Yusuke (Hoshi Ishida), is rough around the edges and a little scary. The people close to him find him a mystery. As Sanae gets to know him, she begins to feel they have something in common. A journey through sweet love and bitter memories.
High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her destructive classmate with a beautiful singing voice. Together they decide to form a band with Yusuke who secretly has feelings for Yuki.
Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle
Young Kozuka
Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.
唄え!裸舞ソング ふれてGコード
Hiroshi Tsumabiki, a popular street musician, had a crush on him when he was in high school. One day, she brought the sound source to a man at a record company, but was criticized for being unprofessional, and her lack of life experience was also pointed out. The man invites Tsumabiki to a music theater to teach him about a world that is not just beautiful. Unlike the word music theater Hibiki, it turns out to be a long-established striptease theater where her high school sweetheart, Nozomi, appears . Tsumabiki, who can't hide his surprise, meets Nozomi and Nozomi that night in the park and expresses his feelings that he didn't want him to do this kind of work. Nozomi accepts this word and invites her to drink in the room. Nozomi who entrusts her body further. However, his wife did not get up and she could not complete the night . A man from a record company who heard about it introduces a musician who plays music that works for sexual love .
青山のアパレルショップで店長を務める伊藤真知子は、どこか満たされない毎日を送っていた。自分の意見は採用されず、年下のカリスマ店員・新堂さやかに仕事を取られ、ストレスが溜まる日々。そんなある日、さやかの何気ない一言がきっかけで真知子はSNSの裏アカウントを作り、胸元の際どい写真を投稿する。表の世界では決して得られない反応に快感を覚えた真知子の投稿はどんどん過激になっていき、それに呼応するようにフォロワー数も増えていった。「リアルで会いたい」「もっと自分を解放して」 そんな言葉に誘われ、フォロワーの1人と会うことになった真知子。その相手は、”ゆーと”という年下の男だった。 真知子は自分と同じ心の乾きを持つ彼に惹かれていく。しかし、その関係は1度きり。それがゆーととの約束だった。ゆーとと会えないことから、真知子は他の男と関係を持つようになるが、その心は満たされない。裏の世界でフラストレーションがたまっていくのとは裏腹に、表の世界は、店の売り上げ不振回復への施策に自身のアイデアが採用され、大手百貨店とのコラボレーション企画が決まるなど充実していく真知子。やりがいのあるプロジェクトに意気込む真知子だったが、その百貨店担当者の原島努こそが、あのゆーとだった。表の世界で再会を果たした2人。平静を装う原島に対し、心乱れ動揺を隠せない真知子。原島ではなく、ゆーとに会いたいという思いが日増しに募っていく。表と裏、愛情と憎悪、真実と嘘、理性と欲望・・・相反する2つが激しく交錯する中、真知子に突然訪れる結末とは…。
ドキュメンタリーディレクターの由宇子は、3年前に起きた女子高生いじめ自殺事件の真相を追っている。由宇子は、事件の奥に潜む真実を模索することに妥協を見せなかった。このため、テレビ局の保守的な方針や政治と対立し、逆境にも立たされる。だが、由宇子は取材対象者の閉ざされた心を揺さぶり、掴んでいった。 そんな時、由宇子は学習塾を経営する父の政志が起こしたある行動を知り、「正しさとはいったい何なのか?」と衝撃を受ける。真実を明らかにしたいという信念で活動してきた由宇子は、究極の選択を迫られる。
There was a popular band with four students. After the band was offered a major contract, they broke up after a minor mistake. 6 years later, they are living their lives in their late twenties with troubles: Marriage, work, human relationship. They meet again and finish a song that they couldn't complete.
Sex Predator
Bottle Mail
An omnibus film consisting of 4 short films and a documentary related to COVID-19.
Singer-songwriter Sora has moved to an apartment complex in Dong Teng Town. In the closet, she stumbles upon a large number of old cassette tapes filled with the "inner voice" of a former resident, Tokio.
A pair of siblings are living together in the outskirts of society. The brother, Yoshio, has a hurt leg, the sister, Mariko, has an intellectual disability and spends most of her time at home. When Yoshio loses his job he does the unthinkable and sells his sister's body in order to pay for food and rent.
Homeless Man
インディで注目の女性デュオが、付き人とともに全国巡回解散ツアーへ。そんな3人が抱える互いへの一方通行の思いを、小松菜奈、門脇麦のW主演で描く。秦基博、あいみょんの音楽が彩る青春ロード・ムービー。  解散を決めたインディーズの人気女性デュオが、付き人の青年とともに解散ツアーへと繰り出すさまを小松菜奈、門脇麦、成田凌の若手実力派3人の共演で描いた音楽青春ロード・ムービー。監督は「害虫」「黄泉がえり」の塩田明彦。劇中で小松菜奈と門脇麦が“ハルレオ”として歌う楽曲を、それぞれ人気ミュージシャンの秦基博とあいみょんが提供。突然解散を決めた人気デュオの“ハルレオ”。孤独だった2人が出会い、路上から始めて今やライブハウスを一杯にするまでに成長した。そんなハルレオを影で支えていたのが元ホストのローディ兼マネージャー、シマ。順調かに思われた3人の関係だったが、いつしか危うさを孕み始める。そしてついに解散を決意したハルレオは、シマとともに最後の全国ツアーへと旅立つのだったが…。
山田孝之と佐藤健が兄弟役を演じ、作・狩撫麻礼、画・いましろたかしによる伝説的コミック「ハード・コア 平成地獄ブラザーズ」を実写映画化。山田が主演のほかに自らプロデュースも務め、「映画 山田孝之3D」などでも組んだ山下敦弘監督がメガホンをとる。あまりにも純粋で不器用なために世間になじめずに生きてきた男・権藤右近。群馬の山奥で怪しい活動家の埋蔵金堀りを手伝って日銭を稼ぐ彼にとって、心優しい仕事仲間・牛山だけが心を許せる相手だった。右近の弟でエリート商社マンの左近は、そんな2人の無為で自由な日々を歯がゆい気持ちで見守っている。ある日、右近と牛山は、牛山が暮らす廃工場で、古びた1体のロボットを見つける。その分野に詳しい左近が調べると、実は現代科学すらも凌駕する高性能なロボットであることが判明。彼らはロボットと不思議な友情を築いていく一方で、その能力を使って巨額の埋蔵金を密かに発見してしまう。個性派俳優・荒川良々が牛山役を演じる。
Tsugumi's Father
A short film by Yoichi Tanaka
Haruki Goto
Twenty years have passed since the sudden disappearance of Amy, who was the femme fatale in her film studies group. Something that Naoko said triggers emotions that were frozen in time for the group's members, who see each other for the first time after a long absence: Asada Iida,Naoko,Okamoto,Miho,Goto and Kizuka.
Naomi (Makoto Nishiyama), who returned to a small town because her adoptive father was about to die, met her brother-in-law, Hiroyuki (Hideyuki Kamada), again. Both of them have a history of becoming a man and woman, and Naomi feels an uncontrollable feeling for Hiroyuki. After that, she reunited with her childhood friend Yoshio (Yuya Matsuura) who also returned to the town....
Up-and-coming manzai stand-up comedy duo Emi-Abi has lost consummate funny man Unno (a surprisingly touching Tomoya Maeno) to an accident, leaving conceited straight man Jitsudo (Ryu Morioka) to contend with his diminished career prospects as a bland, pretty face entertainer. Guided by his manager Natsumi (Haru Kuroki), who demonstrates stronger comedy chops than her own star, Jitsudo comes to learn the circumstances of his friend's passing, as well as the life-and-death stakes of a career in comedy. Demonstrating a careful balance of tone across tragedy and deadpan and gross-out humor, writer/director Kensaku Watanabe expands "Emi-Abi"'s hilarious premise into a strikingly assured meditation on artistic rivalry and self-actualization.
Yoshisuke grew up in a small town and his father ran a paper lantern shop. The town itself has beautiful scenery, but Yoshisuke is bored. One day, he goes to a prostitution shop and meets Mizusa. She tells him that she is an alien. They meet each other continually and Yoshisuke asks Mizusa why she works as a prostitute. Mizusa tells him that she stops working as a prostitute, the world will go out of existence.
Kinugasa is under attack by a lone Yanki, Goki, who claims to be a member of the Piranha gang. Unable to stop his onslaught, Kinugasa high school is shut down. With Kinugasa’s boss Monji Mori gone, nobody’s there to save them. Desperate for help, Monji’s old friend Taiga Deguchi is called upon for help. Unfortunately for Kinugasa, Taiga isn’t exactly known for his strength...
旅立ちの島唄 十五の春
トリハダ ‐劇場版‐
プロローグ 第一話「見えざるものの中にある真理」 由美子(木南)はマンションと駅の間にあるトランクルームを借りていた。夜、荷物を置きに行くと、斜め向かいのトランクルームを使っている男と遭遇し…。 第二話「異常な愛情と執念の6日間」 宅配便で働く孝史(古川)は、不在表を見て電話してきた横田(笹野)という女性に家に配達に行く。仕事が終わって家に帰り、コインランドリーで洗濯していると…。 第三話「好奇心から生まれる想像と漆黒」 夜のバスの前の席に座っている女子高生(入来)の携帯電話が目に入った良和(野間口)。ついつい「朝まで一緒うふふ~♡」という文字を読んでしまい…。 第四話「理想と現実の相違から訪れる闇」 付き合っている男にしつこくされていると飽きて別れを切り出す葉子(佐津川)。ある日、引っ越したばかりの部屋に帽子を深くかぶった男が鍋を持って訪ねてくる。どうやらシチューを作り過ぎてしまったようなのだが…。 第五話「自身に降りかかった悪夢と結末の相違」 夕子(石橋)が仕事から帰ると、上着のポケットに小さく丸めた紙が入っていてそこには「30」と書いてあった。翌日、出勤するためのバスを降りるとポケットの中に今度は「29」と書いてある紙が入っていて…。 第六話「誘惑と疑念の葛藤と脅迫」 専業主婦の真貴子(白羽)は、毎週金曜日に限って帰りが遅い夫を疑っており「浮気したら殺すから」と言ったものの、それ以上問い詰めたりはしなかった。ある日、真貴子の下にライフスタイルを改善すると名乗った女性から電話がかかってきて…。
Daily Laborer
There's a young couple, Haruka and Kenji. One day, Haruka gets disappointed in Kenji, and runs away with their son, Takuya. They forward to Kenji's friend, Mitsuru's house. Yet, Haruka asks her mother, Kiyoko to take care of Takuya, and starts her job hunting, since she can't get along with Mitsuru. On the other hand, there is another young couple, Takuma and Kana. Even though, they look happily married for two years, Takuma hides a secret from Kana. One day, Takuma's co-worker, Akita comes to Takuma's house. Akita suddenly tells one secret to Kana while Takuma is not around. Shocked Kana attempts to reveal the secret on Takuma's way home.
The life of a student named Kanou is transformed when a tiny man informs him that Earth will soon be annihilated. Kanou decides to do just as he pleases with the time he has left, leading to strange adventures that could be real -- or just a dream.
A real estate agent, Shinji Sawaguchi finds a fallen meteorite by accident. On the next day, his missing sister Shiori shows up for the first time in ten years. Shinji can't help being agitated by her sudden return. On the other hand, unusual events start happening in his life, and her threatening melody spreads in the town. Including Shinji's fiancé Maki, the development of characters centers around Shiori's mysterious presence felt. Shiori's identity is hidden, and Shinji gets involved in a peculiar situation.
Shin kankin tôbô 2: genya
Endo (Police officer)
An assassin-turned-housewife discovers that you can never really outrun your past when she crosses paths with a serial rapist with a taste for murder. Mizuki used to use her skills for seduction to lure men to their deaths. Now, she's about to face-off with her most deadly adversary to date. The only question when she does is which will be more intense - the pain or the pleasure?
Based on the life of pioneering manga artist Shinichi Abe, "Miyoko asagaya kibun" starts from the 1970's in Asagaya District of Tokyo where Shinichi Abe began his career with then model girlfriend Miyoko.
Traveling to Osaka, Gonzo sees a dead woman inside a small house, but when he investigates, he finds she's not dead after all, and everything becomes a strange game of fun and desire.
ガチバンII 最凶決戦
Takumi, the former boss of the Black Black Black Skull Gang, is about to graduate and he chooses Taiga as his successor. During the handover, a transfer student named Monji tries to usurp the throne of the Black Skull Gang.
最強兵器女子高生 RIKA
When typical Japanese high school student Rika skips school to visit her grandfather, she fails to take into account the fact that his remote village is infested with the living dead.
Yasu plays guitar on the street every night. A young stranger, Dare, stands in front of him. Yasu instantly feels a faint infatuation with Dare, who expresses a straightforward opinion, and takes him to his apartment, where he has no place to return to. The room was occupied by Yasu's friends Otto and Bohra, a comic duo, and Sekken, who works part-time with Yasu and whose dream is to become a full-time employee. Dare felt comfortable in the atmosphere. Yasu told him to stay as long as he wanted. And soon her feelings for him grew stronger.
不倫同窓会 しざかり熟女
Maki, an office worker at a small local company, has just divorced because her husband cheated her. She has no desire to embark on a new love affair, and the flush of her womanhood is now a dying flame.
Okawa Family’s yakuza, Junji, is released from prison, and is told to take over a local radio station by his boss. Junji tries to explain that it is not a yakuza’s job to talk on the radio, but no one listens to him. He reluctantly goes to the radio building, and is met by a young, upbeat girl broadcasting a talk show and playing pop music. Will this seasoned gangster really fit in on such a show?
悩殺若女将 色っぽい腰つき
Rei Banda
Hanako Kitamura, a delivery health girl who was deceived by a marriage scammer Nobuo Takada and lost her sentence, rolled into a udon shop run by Kazuyoshi Minowa and went to Banda at this shop. Allowed to work as a resident with Rei. Hanako behaves with her own brightness and becomes a popular udon restaurant. Around the same time, Minowa's friend Takanori Gomi continues to worry about the bookstore he runs. Takashi holding his wife Akane decides to close the store. Kazuyoshi gives a farewell to Takashi and Akane who are leaving their hometown to revive. On the other hand, Hanako, who works steadily at the store, fell in love with a serious and gentle sense. Kazuyoshi also began to be aware of bright Hanako. One night, Kazuyoshi confesses to Hanako that his only daughter, Sachi Sudo, is there. Because Kazuyoshi strongly opposed the marriage of Sachi and Kenji, Sachi became with Kenji as if he were running away from home.
妖艶くノ一伝 鍔女篇
A female assassin has a special gift. While receiving a secret mission, that will require her special skill, she embarks on a very dangerous mission that forces her to encounter many dangerous enemies.
ふしだらな女 真昼に濡れる
Daichi Ishimaru
Hayato comes back to his home village after father breaks his legs and cannot walk anymore. He brings his wife Ami along with him, who had a miscarriage and has been dysfunctional and depressed ever since. Hayato hangs with his old friends and enjoys the life of the village, but Ami is a city girl and is growing lonelier. She finds comfort in the arms of Hayato's father. It's not long before everybody in the small village is aware of their relationship... except Hayato... A drama about betrayal and the illogical nature of love and happiness.
ヒモのひろし (SEXマシン 卑猥な季節)
Sex Machine tells of the affable but simple Hiroshi, who during one sweltering summer in a small, parochial town, moves in with his girlfriend, Haruka. Their lovemaking is as athletic as it is bizarre but a dark storm comes looming when Haruka's ex boyfriend comes knocking at the door.
失踪 僕が彼女を閉じ込めた理由
Ako Togawa and her boyfriend Hiroki were enjoying their youth in high school. They visited their childhood friend Yoshio at his casting press factory. After the death of his father, Yoshio gave up high school but continued to study for college. Yoshio envied Hiroki for dating Ako because Ako was Yoshio's secret love since childhood. One day, three of them agreed to study together in Yoshio's room. While waiting for Hiroki who were coming late, Ako fell asleep. As he peeped at Ako's white panties, Yoshio lost control and took Ako. During her resistance, Ako hit her head and lost conscious. When she woke up, Ako's hands and feet were tied with rope. That was the beginning of her life as a pet of Yoshio. How long will the days of love, desire and confinement alone behind the door last...?
美少女図鑑 汚された制服
Shôta Tozawa
A man disembarks a train at a countryside train station. He is from the area. He reminisces about a girl in a school uniform he had met and known. He had left town twelve years ago. He had three close friends while at high school and they always hung out together. They were two boys and two girls. He stole money from his grandparents and ran away to Tokyo to become a film director. He is back because he has become a director.