The film focuses on five girls who hail from different regions of India, and who have been selected to pose for the country's most prestigious annual calendar which is a joint effort between business tycoon Rishabh Kukreja and his photographer friend Timmy Sen.
An immensely rich farmer lives peacefully with his family in Pala and has no idea about the hectic metro life. He gets introduced to it when he hides a love-stricken couple in his house.
Akash and Shibu are two jail birds who escape from a train while they are being transported to a jail. They end up in a village at the Kerala – Tamil Nadu border, where they are mistaken for a pair of priests expected at the local monastery. The duo masquerade as priests, and reopen a church which has been closed for years, thereby winning over the villagers. A series of events that take place after their arrival bring about a change in their outlook towards life and society.
Alex Pandian (Tamil: அலெக்ஸ் பாண்டியன்) is a Tamil action-masala film directed by Suraj that features Karthi and Anushka Shetty in the lead roles, while Santhanam plays a pivotal supporting role. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music. The film will also be dubbed and simultaneously released in Telugu as Bad Boy.