Julian Cautherley


Of Night and Light: The Story of Iboga and Ibogaine
Tells the astounding unknown story of what might be the aha scientific breakthrough moment of our generation: ibogaine.
Cabin Music
Executive Producer
When a spiritual crisis spurs him to leave the constraints of the conservatory, pianist and filmmaker James Carson embarks on a journey of evolution, discovering new connections between music and the natural world. His travels culminate in a cabin he builds in the Canadian wild where his experiences meld into a new form. A lyrical, genre-defying feast for the senses, Cabin Music is a testament to the twin transcendent powers of music and nature.
Why Did You Kill Me?
The line between justice and revenge blurs when a devastated family uses social media to track down the people who killed 24-year-old Crystal Theobald.
Current Sea
Executive Producer
A feature-length, environmental thriller that follows investigative journalist, Matt Blomberg, and ocean activist, Paul Ferber, in their dangerous efforts to create a marine conservation area and combat the relentless tide of illegal fishing. Along the way a new generation of Cambodian environmentalists are inspired to create a better life for their people.
Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill.
Never Here
An artist whose work involves capturing images of strangers begins to believe she herself is being observed.
1997年、1枚のアルバムが、世界の音楽シーンに驚きと至福のセンセーションを巻き起こした。当時なんと90代のギタリストを筆頭に、かつて第一線で活躍していたキューバのベテラン歌手や音楽家たちを復活させた、「ブエナ・ビスタ・ソシアル・クラブ」だ。アルバムタイトルは、実在した会員制の音楽クラブの名前で、そのまま彼らのバンド名にもなった。アメリカの偉大なるギタリストと称えられる、ライ・クーダーがプロデュースしたこのアルバムは、権威あるグラミー賞を受賞し、ワールド・ミュージックのジャンルとしては異例となる400万枚を売り上げた。 さらに、名匠ヴィム・ヴェンダースが彼らの音楽と人柄に惚れ込んで監督したドキュメンタリー映画『ブエナ・ビスタ・ソシアル・クラブ』が、全世界で破格のヒットを飛ばし、アカデミー賞®長編ドキュメンタリー賞にノミネートされる。日本でも2000年に公開され、ミニシアターの枠を超える大ヒットを成し遂げた。その熱狂は、音楽・映画にとどまらず、サルサダンスのブームやキューバレストランの流行、キューバへの直行便の就航が始まるまでの社会現象へと広がっていった。
Greencard Warriors
The tragic struggle of an undocumented Latino family in Los Angeles after they have sent their eldest son to war.
The Crash Reel
The Crash Reel tells the story of a sport and the risks that athletes face in reaching the pinnacle of their profession. This is Kevin Pearce’s story, a celebrated snowboarder who sustained a brain injury in a trick gone wrong and who now aims, against all the odds, to get back on the snow.
Blue Haven
Two skateboarders search for the perfect swimming pool to skate, but $40,000 and a sex change later, they find true love instead. Henry and Fakie live a joyous simple life combing the city for a Blue Haven pool to skate. If only Fakie could find the forty grand he needs to bankroll his sex change. Luckily Fate intrudes to lend a helping hand but neither Henry nor Fakie anticipate that every weird accident is usually followed up by increasingly weird accidents.