Yoo Se-heui


My Heart Puppy
Costume Design
Min-soo is about to get married when his fiancée suddenly admits that she is allergic to dogs. Now the guy's best friend, the golden retriever Rooney, needs a new family. With the help of his cousin and social media, Min-soo starts looking for a new home for Rooney.
Costume Design
An assassin named Tae-goo is offered a chance to switch sides with his rival Bukseong gang, headed by Chairman Doh. Tae-goo rejects the offer that results in the murder of his sister and niece. In revenge, Tae-goo brutally kills Chairman Doh and his men and flees to Jeju Island where he meets Jae-yeon, a terminally ill woman. Though, the henchman of the Bukseong gang, Executive Ma is mercilessly hunting Tae-goo to take revenge.
A Little Princess
Costume Design
Mal-soon is a tough granny in a shanty town in Busan. In front of her, 12-year-old Gong-ju appears with her baby sister Jin-ju on her back. Gong-ju claims that she is the daughter of Mal-soon’s runaway daughter. Mal-soon’s peaceful life becomes a mess with these little strangers, but Mal-soon doesn’t feel bad living with them.
Juror 8
Costume Design
Seoul, South Korea, September 21st, 2008. Eight citizens, the first to intervene as jurors in the country's legal history, are randomly selected to examine a matricide case that appears to have been resolved due to the existence of apparently conclusive evidence.
Costume Design
Junho, a grade school student, is left all alone after his mom’s car accident. His half-brother’s father takes pity on him and brings him home. Knowing that he can be kicked out any day, Junho tries desperately to stay.
Costume Design
舞台“アンチェイン”で同性愛者の役を演じることになったジェハとヨンウ。アイドルであるヨンウは、練習初日から遅刻し、台本すらめくろうとしない。全くやる気がないヨンウに、先輩である舞台俳優ジェハは苛立ちを隠せないでいた。台本読みをふざけているヨンウにキレたジェハは、突如彼に詰め寄り渾身の演技をする。すると、今まで全く無反応だったヨンウの目から涙が…。その日を境にヨンウは、演技に関することをジェハに聞いたり習ったりと急に積極的になる。やがて 2人は劇中に使用する小道具を買いに、町まで出かけるほどの仲になる。 ある日、稽古中、癇癪をおこし舞台から飛び出したヨンウを、ジェハは彼の気が治まるまでそっと待ち続けた。そんなジェハの優しさに心が熱くなるヨンウ。それを機に、グッと距離が縮まった二人。ヨンウをただの後輩として可愛がっていたジェハだったが、演技からではなく、彼を愛おしく思う気持ちが芽生えていたことに気づき、驚く。今まで同性に抱いたことがなかった新たな感情に戸惑い、イライラするジェハだったが…。 感情移入しすぎるあまり、自身の感情のコントロールがきかなくなったベテラン俳優と若き俳優とのプラトニックなラブロマンスを描いた作品。 日本では劇場未公開
Costume Design
While running a travel agency in Macau, Ji-yeon is ripped off by her business partner. One day, the attractive and benevolent Sung-yeol gives her an irresistible offer: $5,000 monthly salary to live on a luxurious yacht and be the personal care aide of the owner of Cenado, a prominent shipping and casino operator company. Without another option to fall back on, she complies and nurses the ailing man, who is impossible to deal with. Ji-yeon slowly gains the attention of both Sung-yeol and the magnate, and wavers between an opportunity that will secure her future and love. As tension rises among these figures on the yacht, no one can predict its outcome.
School of Youth: The Corruption of Morals
Costume Design
Troublemakers Mok-won, Ryu and Hak-moon are far from passing the state examinations. Three female students enter the school during a new spring term and the atmosphere changes. Then one day, Mok-won and Ryu are taken to around the back of the school and molested by an unknown woman. The three of them start an investigation.
Marrying the Mafia 5: Return of the Family
Costume Design
10 years after "Marrying the Mafia 1". The three J's established an architecture company and have become well-known business. They hold pens instead of fists in their hands but things still happen around them and now even bother their children.