Vladimir Belyayev


Until The Last Minute
The prototype of the hero of the film - Soviet Ukrainian writer Yaroslav Galan, who devoted the last years of his life to exposing the Greek Catholic Church and the Ukrainian nationalists.
Drama from the Old Life
A love story between a barber and a serf actress who find themselves in an environment that combines savagery with a veneer of enlightenment. Based on Nikolai Leskov's short story "The Toupee Artist".
Встреча на переправе
The film tells the story of the tragic fate of a young girl - the daughter of a clergyman, the Soviet partisan. The action takes place in Lviv on the eve of and during World War II.
Restless Youth
A story about three young men - three best friends - and their adventures during the first years of Soviet Union.
Restless Youth
A story about three young men - three best friends - and their adventures during the first years of Soviet Union.