Victoria Trofimenko


український режисер, сценарист і продюсер. Трофіменко мріяла стати художницею, проте пішла навчатися в Київському національному університеті театру, кіно і телебачення імені Івана Карпенка-Карого на акторський факультет. Знялась в ролі каторжанки у фільмі «Моя бабуся — Фані Каплан» Олени Дем'яненко. Працювала над фільмами Назад додому (2005), Материнська земля (2006), Рая (2009), Дев'ять життів терориста Якова Блюмкина (2008), Нестор Махно (2009). Брати. Остання сповідь (2013) став першим повнометражний фільмом режисера.


My Grandmother Fanny Kaplan
The film focuses on the little-known love affair of the terrorist Fanny Kaplan with the brother of Vladimir Lenin, Dmitriy Ilyich Ulyanov, and questions whether she really tried to assassinate Lenin in 1918.
Brothers. The Final Confession
The film is a psychological drama developing on the highlands of the Carpathian Mountains. Two helpless old men, brothers, desperately trying to keep up competition with each other in order to prolong their lives. Even though their bodies are decaying and both are sick the one still wants to outlive the other ... But one day a woman enters their remote dwelling...
Brothers. The Final Confession
The film is a psychological drama developing on the highlands of the Carpathian Mountains. Two helpless old men, brothers, desperately trying to keep up competition with each other in order to prolong their lives. Even though their bodies are decaying and both are sick the one still wants to outlive the other ... But one day a woman enters their remote dwelling...
Brothers. The Final Confession
The film is a psychological drama developing on the highlands of the Carpathian Mountains. Two helpless old men, brothers, desperately trying to keep up competition with each other in order to prolong their lives. Even though their bodies are decaying and both are sick the one still wants to outlive the other ... But one day a woman enters their remote dwelling...