Dragoljub Lazarević

出生 : 1923-02-19, Novi Sad, Serbia, Yugoslavia

死亡 : 2003-11-06


Truckers Ride Again
Art Direction
New adventures of truck drivers Jare and Paja, long-time fellow associates and close friends. Jare is forced to pay off his debt for the loans he was raising to build a house for his numerous family. He must find heaps of money as soon as possible, or let tax gatherers to take everything. Paja tries to help him in this impossible task, but on their way they face bunch of obstacles, losses and misfortunes, encountering all sorts of people, only to end up in serious problems.
Production Design
The adventures of a truck driver and his fellow associate, who both leave their company refusing to meet the newly introduced criteria of having elementary school degree. Being in their 40s and totally talentless for education, they decide to leave the company and go private. However, the world outside their company has been completely changed over the years, and after the series of bad lucks, they will summarize their position and go back to school.
Citizen Pokorni
Production Design
A story of Cule Pokorni, an intimidated and obedient economist devoted to idea of making society a better place to live.
Fourteenth Day
Production Design
The topic of this routine, romantic drama is a little unusual - it concerns what some prisoners do when they are allowed out of jail for two weeks before their sentences are up. Rather than receiving some special dispensation, it turns out that in Yugoslavia this was the custom. Most of the time, the men here are engaged in pursuits that forward their relationships with the fairer sex, as might be expected after a long and lonely incarceration. There is nothing particularly profound about their two weeks of liberty, and no deep message in the tale.
Aleksa Dundic
Art Direction
Life and times of Aleksa Dundic, a volunteer in the Serb army during WW1, who later became a legend by fighting for the Red Army in the Russian Civil War.
Little Things
Production Design
Wife of a doctor, who's busy with his work over the top, lets herself to adventure. Much effort is needed to overcome "little" argues and to find the way of understanding and respect.
Production Design
An engineer and his wife move to Zenica where the construction of the first plants is taking place, during highly progressive industrialization of the country. Her dreams are not in accordance with the reality, which makes their marriage impossible to function.
Cursed Money
Production Design
On the Eve of WW2, the royal government of Yugoslavia hid the national money inside the cave around village of Ozrinići in Montenegro. The locals discovered the heaps of money by accident, and soon begun to build new houses and buy the land. Unfortunately, the Italians occupied the country and burned their properties to ashes. Based on a true story.
Costume Design
Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
Production Design
Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
The Song from Kumbara
Costume Design
Story of the revolt of the people of Serbia against the Turks, who ruled the country for four centuries. The battle and the fall of the fortress of Belgrade in 1806.
The Song from Kumbara
Production Design
Story of the revolt of the people of Serbia against the Turks, who ruled the country for four centuries. The battle and the fall of the fortress of Belgrade in 1806.
To Seaside, Everybody!
Art Direction
Seaside in the summer: a meeting place of all sorts of people and professions. Elderly Mr Paja and two youths, Zorica and Mirko, experience many adventures in accordance with their own respective age and desires.