Warwick Field


LION/ライオン ~25年目のただいま~
Camera Operator
インドで迷子になった5歳の少年が、25年後にGoogle Earthで故郷を探し出したという実話を、「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のデブ・パテル、「キャロル」のルーニー・マーラ、ニコール・キッドマンら豪華キャスト共演で映画化したヒューマンドラマ。 1986年、インドのスラム街で暮らす5歳の少年サルーは、兄と仕事を探しにでかけた先で停車中の電車で眠り込んでしまい、家から遠く離れた大都市カルカッタ(コルカタ)まで来てしまう。そのまま迷子になったサルーは、やがて養子に出されオーストラリアで成長。25年後、友人のひとりから、Google Earthなら地球上のどこへでも行くことができると教えられたサルーは、おぼろげな記憶とGoogle Earthを頼りに、本当の母や兄が暮らす故郷を探しはじめる。
Elimination Game
Director of Photography
In the wake of a shocking civilian massacre in a foreign war zone, disgraced Navy SEAL Rick Tyler is sentenced to rot in a maximum security military prison until he is offered the opportunity to put his life on the line to win his freedom. A one-man force of nature, Tyler will have to take-on and take-down some of the world's most ruthless killers in some of the world's most brutal locations to win the game, obtain his freedom and find out why he was set up. The question is, can he accomplish all of this before Game On is Game Over?
When a strange loner comes in to town, a bloody encounter with the local youth will reveal the true nature of what it means to be human.
Justice in a Smoking Gun
In 1868 Goldfields Victoria, an Irish settler seeks revenge and justice from those who murdered his family.