To teach a lesson to his young wife who dreams of the famous "voiceless singer", a husband enters a radio station and manages to make people appreciate his voice.
「抵抗 死刑囚の手記より」「ラルジャン」などで知られるフランスの巨匠ロベール・ブレッソンの伝説的な長編デビュー作。刑務所で服役を終えた女性たちを多く修道女として迎え入れているドミニコ会女子修道院。そこに、信仰心に篤いブルジョワの無垢な娘アンヌ=マリーが自ら進んでやって来て修道女となる。やがてアンヌ=マリーは、刑務所でテレーズという反抗的な若い娘と出会う。彼女を修道院に迎え入れ、魂の救済をしてあげようと決意するアンヌ=マリーだったが…。
A plucky businesswoman agrees to receive love letters to a prefect’s wife from a young official, and soon finds herself embroiled in a scandal that inflames a town’s class tensions.
Marguerite de Verrières
In his prison cell, the composer Remi Bonvent composed an opera, The columns bed. The director of the prison, Porey Cave, succeeds made believe he is the author of this work. The death of the two protagonists will prevent the discovery of the truth.