Misty Talley


Ladies of the '80s: A Divas Christmas
Five soap opera divas as they reunite to shoot the final Christmas episode of their long-running sudser. The producer, Alex and director Nell, who happen to be old college friends, do their best to keep things on the rails but as the ladies come together, old rivalries resurface that threaten to tear the production apart.
A New Orleans Noel
Grace and Anthony, who despite having gone to college to study architecture together, are too different. But, when they're both hired to work on the home of a New Orleans praline icon, things between them change and they end up celebrating Christmas together.
My Southern Family Christmas
Under the guise of a journalist, Campbell has a chance to get to know her biological father for the first time – without him ever knowing who she really is. As she spends time with him and his family, as well as with the town’s record keeper, she realizes that families are messy, wonderful things. In the end, Campbell must decide if she’s going to keep her identity a secret or reveal the truth to her father – a decision that will change their family Christmas forever.
Every Time a Bell Rings
Three reunited sisters discover their late father planned one last scavenger hunt - an annual holiday tradition when they were young. As their sisterly bond gets rekindled, they soon learn important lessons about what they want in life and in love.
Every Time a Bell Rings
Three reunited sisters discover their late father planned one last scavenger hunt - an annual holiday tradition when they were young. As their sisterly bond gets rekindled, they soon learn important lessons about what they want in life and in love.
Christmas in Louisiana
The Winter Family is Christmas royalty in New Iberia, Louisiana, and Sarah Winter, a successful lawyer and former Miss Christmas, is no exception. When she returns home to celebrate the anniversary of the town’s Sugarcane Christmas Festival, she rediscovers the magic of the season—and a little romance—with her former Mister Christmas, Luke.
The Christmas Contract
It’s Jolie’s first time going back home to Louisiana since her devastating break-up with Foster Burke. Seeing him is inevitable as their parents run the town’s annual Christmas Market together, but when she discovers Foster is bringing home a new girlfriend, Jolie cannot bear the thought of going home alone and seeing them together. Her best friend Naomi suggests that Jolie bring her flaky brother, Jack, home for Christmas as he has no plans this year. Jolie, a professional web designer, is hesitant; so, Naomi, a lawyer, creates a Christmas contract to give them both something they want—a buffer for those awkward moments around Jolie’s ex and a website to help sell Jack’s upcoming novel. Unbeknownst to them, the Christmas contract proves to be so much more than what they signed up for.
Santa Jaws
Trying to survive the family Christmas, Cody makes a wish to be alone, which ends up backfiring when a shark manifests and kills his entire family.
Santa Jaws
Trying to survive the family Christmas, Cody makes a wish to be alone, which ends up backfiring when a shark manifests and kills his entire family.
Taking place on the last day of the Creeper’s twenty-three-day feeding frenzy, as the skeptical Sergeant Tubbs teams up with a task force hellbent on destroying the Creeper for good. The Creeper fights back in gory glory as its enemies grow closer than ever before to learning the secret of its dark origins.
Mississippi River Sharks
Sharks attack a fish rodeo on the Mississippi River, and it is up to a group of locals to stop them.
Mississippi River Sharks
Sharks attack a fish rodeo on the Mississippi River, and it is up to a group of locals to stop them.
Secrets in Suburbia
After discovering that her three best friends and her husband are plotting to murder her and steal her family fortune, Gloria, an otherwise kind-hearted housewife and mother of two, unfolds and exacts a deadly revenge on all who betrayed her.
Ozark Sharks
A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.
Ozark Sharks
A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.
The Follower
Tragedy strikes when Chelsea's flight back home crashes in the wilderness. The only other urvivor of the crash, Evelyn King, who just so happens to be a huge fan of Chelsea, pulls her to safety. As Evelyn cares for Chelsea's wounds, she becomes increasingly obsessive. Chelsea begins to realize that her caretaker may have more sinister plans in store and she must find a way to overcome her injuries in order to escape from Evelyn, whose insane adoration may ultimately be Chelsea's demise.
Zombie Shark
A perfect getaway weekend turns into a nightmare for four friends who find themselves fighting for their lives against an experimental shark. In order to survive they must fight sharks, zombies, and shark zombies.
Zombie Shark
A perfect getaway weekend turns into a nightmare for four friends who find themselves fighting for their lives against an experimental shark. In order to survive they must fight sharks, zombies, and shark zombies.
Si, a temperamental 6 year old, gets a goldfish from her parents after begging for a puppy.
Status: Unknown
After a lively high school reunion, Jessica and Cynthia reconnect with their childhood friend Karen and vow to stay in close communication online. After a year of cheerful daily status updates, Karen begins to post some strange updates to her life. When Jessica tries to call Karen to let her know that she and Cynthia will be in town for the week she is unable to reach her. Sensing something may be seriously wrong, Jessica tracks down Karen's husband Paul to find out where her friend is. Paul tells her that Karen ran off to Hawaii due to marriage issues but Jessica is convinced he is lying. But when random status posts begin showing up on Karen's page, Jessica suspects that someone else might be behind it...
ある夜、ボートで釣りを楽しんでいた一行の竿に掛かったのは巨大なサメだった。 しかし恐怖のあまりサメを撃ち殺してしまった彼らを、復讐のため蘇ったサメが襲う―!! それから数日後、人ごみで賑わうビーチが騒然とする。青白く光るサメが出現し、人々を襲ったのだ! その惨劇が去った後に現場についた地元警察は、その話を信じようとはしなかった。 そこに偶然居合わせたエバと妹のシスリー、友達のブレイスは犠牲者の残したビデオカメラに光るサメの証拠をつかむ。 そこには光るサメの背びれが映っていたのだ。 しかし警察は彼らの証言を真に受けることはなく次々と犠牲者が増えるのだった…。 ゴーストと化したサメは、水がある場所はどこでも出現出来るのだった。 豪邸のプール、シャワールーム、水たまり…。 街の至る所に出現し、ひとを襲うサメに住民たちは為す術をなくす…。
Giant albino spiders break free from the depths of Earth in New Orleans, making everyone’s worst nightmare a reality.
Miami Magma
First Assistant Editor
Antoinette Vitrini, a volcanologist, confirms her theory of a long-dormant underground volcano after an offshore-drilling rig bursts into flames. Now, she must stop catastrophic amounts of magma from pumping out right under Miami, Florida.
Swamp Shark
First Assistant Editor
Open on gorgeous swamplands of the Atchafalaya Basin in the summer. Lots of beautiful teens are at the beach the weekend before Gator Fest. That night an animal smuggling deal goes wrong and a large sea creature escapes into a swampy backwoods river. At the McDaniel's "Gator Shack" restaurant, a local, Jackson is drunk, and gets mangled to bits. The town sheriff blames the carnage on the McDaniel's "escaped" pack of gators and tries hauling them off to jail. Rachel McDaniel, head of the family, claims to have seen the fin of a shark! Rachel and her family, along with the help of a mysterious stranger, Charlie, take on the Swampshark and the law to clear their names, save Rachel's kid sister Krystal and prevent the unwitting folks at the upcoming Gator Fest from being torn to shreds by a beast the likes of which no one has ever seen!