Anna Gerber


オール・イズ・ロスト ~最後の手紙~
スマトラ海峡から3150キロ沖。“すべて失った……すまない”という男のつぶやきが響く……。 ことの起こりは8日前。インド洋をヨットで単独航海中の男は水音で眠りから覚める。気が付けば、船室に浸水が。海上を漂流していたコンテナが激突し、ヨットに横穴が開いてしまったようだ。航法装置は故障し、無線もラップトップも水浸しで使い物にならない。しかし、この災難は始まりに過ぎなかった。
Part-Time Wife
Insurance salesman Tom and his wife Jenny are struggling through the first years of marriage in a modest flat, on Tom's even more modest salary. By contrast Drew, Tom's old army pal, is a footloose bachelor currently running a car-hire firm owned by his rich uncle, who lives in Canada. Since Drew's uncle makes it clear that his nephew will only inherit the business when he's a respectable married man, his upcoming visit throws Drew into a panic. Having taken a fancy to the vivacious Jenny, Drew persuades her to masquerade as his wife – an arrangement that leads the trio into some highly complicated situations!
Action of the Tiger
Mara Valona
A woman hires soldier-of-fortune Carson to smuggle her into Albania by way of Greece. Their trouble is just beginning when they get there.