Ellen Eliasoph


In a kingdom ruled by a young and unpredictable king, the military commander has a secret weapon: a shadow, a look-alike who can fool both his enemies and the King himself. Now he must use this weapon in an intricate plan that will lead his people to victory in a war that the King does not want.
Walking Past the Future
A second generation migrant with a dehumanizing factory job returns to the land her family members left behind when they went to the city for a better life.
Mountain Cry
A pained cry pierces the heart of a rustic mountain town in Larry Yang’s remarkable second feature Mountain Cry. When La Hong (Yu Ailei) dies in an accident involving an explosive badger trap, naïve Han Chong (Wang Ziyi) obeys village decree and takes the responsibility of caring for La Hong’s mute widow Hong Xia (Lang Yueting) and their children. But as they start to form an emotional bond, suspicions arise concerning La Hong’s death. A melodrama condemning intolerance, it is also a love story of remarkable credibility and emotional depth.
Executive Producer
In Beijing, a young martial artist's skill places him in position to experience opportunities and sacrifices.
Executive Producer
若き妖怪ハンター玄奘は、“わらべ唄 三百首”を武器に妖怪たちの善の心を呼び起こそうとするがいつもうまくいかない。ある日、彼が半魚半獣の妖怪に襲われた川辺の村で、村人たちと協力して陸に上げた魔物が人間の姿に変身する。玄奘が歌うわらべ唄は全然効果がなく、逆に攻撃された彼を女性妖怪ハンターの段が救う。