Lee Labaigue


The Assassination of Richard Nixon
Assistant Sound Editor
It’s 1974 and Sam Bicke has lost everything. His wife leaves him with his three kids, his boss fires him, his brother turns away from him, and the bank won’t give him any money to start anew. He tries to find someone to blame for his misfortunes and comes up with the President of the United States who he plans to murder.
Assistant Sound Editor
シカゴ警察でトップの手腕を誇る人質交渉人ダニー・ローマン彼はある日、何物かの罠にはめられて、殺人罪と横領罪の濡れ衣を着せられてしまう。八方ふさがりの状況の中、彼に残された最後の手段それは警察ビルに人質をとって立てこもって時間を稼ぎ真犯人を突き止めることだった。 ダニーは、自分の交渉相手に、ほかの管轄区を担当する交渉人クリス・セイビアンを指名するが…。