Eleanor Sabaduquia


Night Swim
Makeup Department Head
Forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, former baseball player Ray Waller moves into a new house with his wife and two children. He hopes that the backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for himself. However, a dark secret from the home's past soon unleashes a malevolent force that drags the family into the depths of inescapable terror.
Makeup Artist
「ゲット・アウト」「アス」で高い評価を受けるジョーダン・ピールの長編監督第3作。広大な田舎町の空に突如現れた不気味な飛行物体をめぐり、謎の解明のため動画撮影を試みる兄妹がたどる運命を描いた。 田舎町で広大な敷地の牧場を経営し、生計を立てている一家。ある日、一家の長男が、家業をサボって町に繰り出す妹にうんざりしていたところ、突然空から異物が降り注いでくる。その謎の現象が止んだかと思うと、直前まで会話していた父親が息絶えていた。長男は、父親の不可解な死の直前に、雲に覆われた巨大な飛行物体のようなものを目撃したことを妹に明かす。兄妹はその飛行物体の存在を収めた動画を撮影すればネットでバズるはずだと、飛行物体の撮影に挑むが、そんな彼らに想像を絶する事態が待ち受けていた。 「ゲット・アウト」でもピール監督とタッグを組んだダニエル・カルーヤが兄、「ハスラーズ」のキキ・パーマーが妹を演じるほか、「ミナリ」のスティーブン・ユァンが共演。
マリグナント 狂暴な悪夢
Makeup Department Head
『死霊館』『ソウ』シリーズのジェイムズ・ワン監督によるホラー。目の前で恐ろしい殺人を目撃するという悪夢に苛まれる女が、リアルな殺人現場を疑似体験し、自らの秘められた過去に導かれていく。主演は『アナベル 死霊館の人形』のアナベル・ウォーリス。
死霊館 悪魔のせいなら、無罪。
Makeup Department Head
アリス&ピーター・パン はじまりの物語
Key Makeup Artist
Before Alice went to Wonderland, and before Peter became Pan, they were brother and sister. When their eldest brother dies in a tragic accident, they each seek to save their parents from their downward spirals of despair until finally they are forced to choose between home and imagination, setting the stage for their iconic journeys into Wonderland and Neverland.
アナベル 死霊博物館
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Department Head
アナベル 死霊人形の誕生
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Department Head
Rebecca must unlock the terror behind her little brother's experiences that once tested her sanity, bringing her face to face with a supernatural spirit attached to their mother.
死霊館 エンフィールド事件
Makeup Department Head
インシディアス 序章
Makeup Department Head
ワイルド・スピード SKY MISSION
Makeup Artist
Makeup Department Head
A mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley band of teachers in the fight of their lives.
アナベル 死霊館の人形
Makeup Department Head
出産が近いミアは、真っ白なウエディングドレスを着た美しいビンテージ人形を夫ジョンからプレゼントされる。ある夜、二人はカルト集団の男女の襲撃を受け辛くも命は取り留めるが、人形に恐ろしい呪いがかけられてしまう。 やがて、待望の子供が生まれ二人は新生活をスタートさせるが、人形をめぐり次々と不可解な現象が起こる。
300 <スリーハンドレッド> ~帝国の進撃~
Makeup Artist
前作で100万もの兵を率いてギリシャ侵攻を図るペルシャ帝国を相手に、300人の精鋭と共に戦いを繰り広げた果てに命を落としたスパルタのレオニダス王。今回の物語は灼熱の門で全滅したレオニダス達と同じ時間の別の戦い、エーゲ海での海戦を軸にしている。 アテナイのテミストクレス将軍は、パン屋、陶工、詩人といった一般市民から成るギリシャ連合軍を率いてペルシャ帝国海軍に立ち向かっていく。 ペルシャ帝国の海軍指揮官アルテミシアらと拮抗する中、ついに大海原を舞台にした最終決戦を迎えることに。
インシディアス 第2章
Makeup Department Head
Makeup Department Head
1971年、若い夫婦と5人の娘のペロン一家は、ロードアイランド州ハリスヴィルの田舎にある、いささか古いが屋敷のように広い部屋を持つ一軒家を購入した。念願のマイホーム購入を喜ぶペロン一家であったが、入居した翌日から奇怪な現象が次々と発生するようになる。 ついに娘たちにもその危害が及ぶに至って、ペロン夫妻の妻キャロリンは、超常現象研究家夫妻として名高いウォーレン夫妻に助けを求める。夫のエドはカトリック教会が唯一公認した非聖職者の悪魔研究家であり、妻のロレインは透視能力を持っている。 ウォーレン夫妻の調査の結果、その一軒家には戦慄すべき血塗られた過去がある事が判明した。ウォーレン夫妻はペロン一家を救うべく尽力するが、霊力の強さと邪悪さはウォーレン夫妻の想像をはるかに超えるものであった。
Makeup Department Head
From the producers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacey Barret witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. When it becomes clear that the Barret family is being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Daniel and Lacey take matters in their own hands to solve the mystery of what is after their family.
Makeup Artist
Key Makeup Artist
A reclusive and butterfly-obsessed elderly lady suffering from bipolar disorder develops a disturbing relationship with a mysterious but seemingly innocent youngster.
Makeup Department Head
Meet Monica Velour
Makeup Department Head
For Tobe, a nerdy, horny, frizzy-haired cineaste who doesn't quite fit in with the average contemporary teen, the pinnacle of womanhood is Monica Velour, a soft-core actress who reached the zenith of her career in the 1980s. When Tobe learns that his love idol is headlining hundreds of miles away at the Gentlemen's Petting Zoo in Indiana, he drives off with carefree glory, filled with the hope of meeting her.
マイケル・ジャクソン This Is It
Key Makeup Artist
アメリカン・パイパイ ようこそ美乳天国
Key Makeup Artist
Best friends, Carl and Lester, find themselves magically transported into an alternate universe straight out of a real-life adult movie. Hilarity ensues as they embark upon a journey of adult-themed mayhem while Carl ultimately finds true love in the most unlikely of places.
Makeup Department Head
Three young people check into the Meadow View Inn for a night's rest, fully unaware of the inn's sick-minded employees and their nefarious intentions.
ブギーマン2 憑依
Makeup Department Head
A young woman attempts to cure her phobia of the boogeyman by checking herself into a mental health facility, only to realize too late that she is now helplessly trapped with her own greatest fear.
Makeup Artist
Mysterious Skin
Assistant Makeup Artist
A teenage hustler and a young man obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth.
Makeup Department Head
Winter Break
Key Makeup Artist
Viscerally experience a "year off" in Aspen, Colorado with a group of recent college grads who have elected to defer graduate school and career opportunities to ski, snow-board, climb, party, fall in love and basically live life to its absolute fullest out in this spectacular mountain town.
Makeup & Hair
After waging a lifelong battle to rid the earth of Homosexuals, Roman Emperor Marcus Aereolus has an epiphany on his deathbed. He tells his most trusted General, Maxipadimus, to return to Rome and undo his wrongs - To make Rome safe for Gays. However, upon Maxipadimus' return to Rome, he finds that the Emperor's evil, homophobic son, EMINEMUS, has taken power and will fight to the death to keep it! In a triumphant climax, Maxipadimus destroys the homophobes and embarks Rome into an Era of sexual liberation.
The Girls' Room
Key Hair Stylist
Two college roommates -- prim and proper Grace (Cat Taber) and wild and woolly Casey (Soleil Moon Frye) -- find themselves in a tense rivalry when Casey's conduct almost destroys Grace's engagement to preppie heartthrob Charlie (Wil Wheaton). Not too high-minded to seek revenge, Grace cozies up to Casey's pal Joey (Gary Wolf), setting off a cycle of envy and mistrust that may destroy both women's lives in director Irene Turner's well-paced indie.
The Girls' Room
Key Makeup Artist
Two college roommates -- prim and proper Grace (Cat Taber) and wild and woolly Casey (Soleil Moon Frye) -- find themselves in a tense rivalry when Casey's conduct almost destroys Grace's engagement to preppie heartthrob Charlie (Wil Wheaton). Not too high-minded to seek revenge, Grace cozies up to Casey's pal Joey (Gary Wolf), setting off a cycle of envy and mistrust that may destroy both women's lives in director Irene Turner's well-paced indie.
Kate's Addiction
Key Makeup Artist
A psychotic woman becomes dangerously jealous when her best friend begins dating a handsome man. She will stop at nothing to keep the two apart, even if it means destroying their relationship or even murdering one of them.
Kate's Addiction
Key Hair Stylist
A psychotic woman becomes dangerously jealous when her best friend begins dating a handsome man. She will stop at nothing to keep the two apart, even if it means destroying their relationship or even murdering one of them.
Salem's Lot
Makeup Department Head
Author Ben Mears returns to his childhood home of Jerusalem’s Lot in search of inspiration for his next book, only to discover his hometown is being preyed upon by a bloodthirsty vampire.