Marc Fishman

出生 : 1969-04-09,


グランパ・ウォーズ おじいちゃんと僕の宣戦布告
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
パペット大騒査線 追憶の紫影
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Theresa, a haunted young woman spiraling in the wake of profound loss, is torn between her fractured emotional state and the reality-altering effects of a potent cannabinoid drug.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Middle-aged and divorced, Wilson finds himself lonely, smug, and obsessed with his past.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.
エイミー、エイミー、エイミー! こじらせシングルライフの抜け出し方
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Town that Dreaded Sundown
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A masked maniac terrorizes the same small community where a murderer known as the Phantom Killer struck decades earlier.
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Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
8月の真夏日。父親が失踪したと知らされ、オクラホマにある実家へ集まった三姉妹。 真面目すぎて暴走しがちな長女バーバラと、反抗期の娘、実は別居中の夫。ひとり地元に残り秘密の恋をしている次女アイビー。自由奔放な三女カレンと、その不審な婚約者。彼らを迎えるのは、闘病中だが気が強く、率直で毒舌家の母バイオレットと、その妹家族。生活も思惑もバラバラな“家族たち”は、つい言わなくてもいい本音をぶつけあい、ありえない“隠しごと”の数々が明るみに―。
俺たちニュースキャスター 史上最低!?の視聴率バトルinニューヨーク
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
With the 70s behind him, San Diego's top rated newsman, Ron Burgundy, returns to take New York's first 24-hour news channel by storm.
リディック ギャラクシー・バトル
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ザ・コール 緊急通報指令室
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pete and Debbie are both about to turn 40, their kids hate each other, both of their businesses are failing, they're on the verge of losing their house, and their relationship is threatening to fall apart.
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Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Third-grader Judy Moody sets out to have the most thrilling summer of her life.
ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
公私ともにがけっぷち状態にある30代独身女性が、結婚を控えた親友から花嫁介添人たちのまとめ役を引き受けたのを機に大騒動を巻き起こすコメディ・ドラマ。 ケーキ屋の経営に失敗した上に恋人に捨てられ、人生どん底のアニー。幼なじみの親友リリアンを心のよりどころにしていたが、彼女から婚約したと告げられ、花嫁介添人をまとめるメイド・オブ・オナーを頼まれる。喜びと寂しさを抱えながらまとめ役を務めるアニーだが、介添人の一人であるヘレンと事あるごとに衝突、さらには一行をブラジル料理で食中毒にさせてしまったり、パーティーへと向かう飛行機で泥酔して搭乗を拒否されたりと、トラブルばかりを引き起こしてしまう。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A guarded woman who finds out she's dying of cancer but, when she meets her match, the threat of falling in love is scarier than death.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
アザー・ガイズ 俺たち踊るハイパー刑事!
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When Juli meets Bryce in the second grade, she knows it's true love. After spending six years trying to convince Bryce the same, she's ready to give up - until he starts to reconsider.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pinnacle records has the perfect plan to get their sinking company back on track: a comeback concert in LA featuring Aldous Snow, a fading rockstar who has dropped off the radar in recent years. Record company intern Aaron Green is faced with the monumental task of bringing his idol, out of control rock star Aldous Snow, back to LA for his comeback show.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
スプラッター・ナイト 新・血塗られた女子寮
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When five sorority girls inadvertently cause the murder of one of their sisters in a prank gone wrong, they agree to keep the matter to themselves and never speak of it again, so they can get on with their lives. This proves easier said than done, when after graduation a mysterious killer goes after the five of them and anyone who knows their secret.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Peter Klaven is a successful real estate agent who, upon getting engaged to the woman of his dreams, Zooey, discovers, to his dismay and chagrin, that he has no male friend close enough to serve as his Best Man. Peter immediately sets out to rectify the situation, embarking on a series of bizarre and awkward "man-dates."
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A group of young adults visit a boarded up campsite named Crystal Lake where they soon encounter the mysterious Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions.
Baby Mama
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.
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Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ナチョ・リブレ 覆面の神様
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nacho Libre is loosely based on the story of Fray Tormenta ("Friar Storm"), aka Rev. Sergio Gutierrez Benitez, a real-life Mexican Catholic priest who had a 23-year career as a masked luchador. He competed in order to support the orphanage he directed.
迷い婚 -すべての迷える女性たちへ-
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sarah Huttinger's return home with her fiance convinces her that the sedate, proper, country-club lifestyle of her family isn't for her – and that maybe the Huttinger family isn't even hers – as she uncovers secrets that suggest the Huttingers are neither sedate nor proper.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Clearing
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When affluent executive Wayne Hayes is kidnapped by a disgruntled employee and held for ransom in a forest, Wayne’s wife is forced to reckon with the FBI agents as they negotiate with the kidnapper.
The Assassination of Richard Nixon
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
It’s 1974 and Sam Bicke has lost everything. His wife leaves him with his three kids, his boss fires him, his brother turns away from him, and the bank won’t give him any money to start anew. He tries to find someone to blame for his misfortunes and comes up with the President of the United States who he plans to murder.
アダム -神の使い 悪魔の子-
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A couple agree to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
動物学者の両親を持つケイディは、ずっとアフリカで暮らしていたが、16歳になってアメリカ合衆国のシカゴの郊外に引っ越してきた。新しい環境に馴染めるかと心配する両親をよそに楽天的なケイディだったが、いざ学校に行ってみると、そこは細かいルールが幅を利かす世界だった。すぐにジャニスとダミアンという友人が出来るも、ケイディは戸惑うばかり。そんなある時、同級生レジーナをクイーンとする人気グループ"Plastics"に気に入られる。 <リンジー・ローハン主演の学園コメディ。保護者指導教員であるロザリンド・ワイズマンのノンフィクション『女の子って、どうして傷つけあうの?(Queen Bees and Wannabes)』が原作となっている。>
Sound Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
実際のイベントに基づいて、バハマで起こった物語を伝えます。 仕事に夢中になったカップルは、しばらく休みを取り、数日間ダイビングをすることにしました。 乗組員の不注意のためにそれらを運ぶボートは、サメが出没する海で漂流し、海岸から遠く離れた海の中で彼らを捨てます...アメリカの批評家によると、最も衝撃的なホラー映画 1999年の「ブレアウィッチプロジェクト」以来のサンダンス映画祭。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Playboy Thomas Fuentes has so far been able to skate by in life on good looks and charm alone. But when his duplicitous relationships with three women -- impassioned waitress Cici, meticulous lawyer Lorena and bored socialite Patricia -- spiral out of control, he suffers a mental breakdown. His doctor recommends that he choose just one girlfriend -- but can he choose in time before they discover his deception?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jack is caught with the wife of his employer, a Vegas thug. The thug sends goons after Jack, who convinces his best friend, Pilot, to flee with him. Pilot insists that they head for Seattle, but doesn't tell Jack why. The goons learn from Pilot's drug source where the youths are headed, and they follow, hell bent on breaking Jack's feet. On the road, Jack and Pilot give a ride to Cassie, a distressed young woman. She and Jack hit it off. They pick up an aging stoner headed to Seattle for Kurt Cobain's memorial, and they help a circus sideshow family. Why is Pilot so set on Seattle, will the goons catch Jack, and is there any way the friends' competing needs can be resolved?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
ベトナム戦争の最中、ハルムーア大佐(メルギブソン)とその兵士(約400人)が1965年11月に「死の谷」として知られる地域に上陸しました。 戦争の最も激しい戦いの1つ。
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Additional Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The Toro cheerleading squad from Rancho Carne High School in San Diego has got spirit, spunk, sass and a killer routine that's sure to land them the national championship trophy for the sixth year in a row. But for newly-elected team captain Torrance, the Toros' road to total cheer glory takes a shady turn when she discovers that their perfectly-choreographed routines were in fact stolen.
クロウ 復讐の翼
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Alex Corvis returns to the world of the living to avenge the murder of his girlfriend, who he was wrongly accused of killing. But first he must uncover the truth about who really killed her.
The Big Kahuna
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Three salesmen working for a firm that makes industrial lubricants are waiting in the company's "hospitality suite" at a manufacturers' convention for a "big kahuna" named Dick Fuller to show up, in hopes they can persuade him to place an order that could salvage the company's flagging sales.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
When a huge fireball hurtles towards the Earth the authorities have only hours to react before temperatures soar beyond human tolerance.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Neal Cassady is living the beat life during the 1940s, working at The Tire Yard and and philandering around town. However, he has visions of a happy life with kids and a white picket fence. When his girlfried, Joan, tries to kill herself he gets scared and runs away. But when Joan reappears will he take the chance at that happiness, or will he turn his back on it?
Supervising Sound Editor
Supervising Sound Editor
After he accidentally kills his father, Mike, during a sting, Joe tries to carry out Mike's dying wish by recovering valuables that Mike's twin brother Lou stole from him years earlier. But Uncle Lou is also a confidence artist, and Joe is soon drawn into his increasingly dangerous schemes.