Lee Yong-nam


豊胸整形医ソクホ(チョ・ジヌン)と精神科医の妻イェジン(キム・ジス)の新居に集まった親友とその妻たち。亭主関白で気むずかしい弁護士のテス(ユ・ヘジン)と貞淑な専業主婦スヒョン(ヨム・ジョンア)。新婚ホヤホヤのイケメン社長ジュンモ(イ・ソジン)と若妻セギョン(ソン・ハユン)。新恋人を連れてくるはずが、一人でやって来た教師ヨンベ(ユン・ギョンホ)。久々の再会を喜び、変わらぬ友情や夫婦愛を確かめあい、お酒も会話も弾んでいく。そして自分たちの間には隠し事がないことを証明するため、「今からスマートフォンに届く電話やメールを全員に公開しよう」と皆のスマホロックを解除することに...。次々と届く着信やメール。他人に知られたくない“大人のウラ事情”が露わになり、楽しいはずのパーティーは想像を絶する修羅場と化していく──!! イタリアのアカデミー賞といわれるダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロ賞で作品賞、脚本賞に輝いたイタリア映画『おとなの事情』をリメイクした話題作。
A jailed swindler leaps at the chance to earn parole in return for taking care of his estranged brother, an athlete who recently lost his sight.
The Fatal Encounter
Late 18th-century Joseon dynasty. The King is beleaguered and surrounded by traitors of the ruling elite. They plan to assassinate and replace him with a puppet. But the King has some aces up his sleeve that may help him defeat them all.
Line Producer
Tae-hun causes trouble for the his unit with his antics. He does not take much seriously until a dogfight leaves a pilot dead and another missing. Tae-hun and the other members of his unit launch a rescue mission to prevent a war from breaking out.
Line Producer
A vengeful refugee-turned-pirate steals nuclear materials to attack and obliterate the Koreas in a Nuclear Typhoon. A top South Korean naval officer is assigned the task to stop his plans and execute him.
Spring Breeze
Line Producer
The cheapest and the stingiest! A man, who has never spent a dime on a date... A man, who prefers to double up on layers of thermals in the winter, instead of turning on the heater... A man, who insists on using his beeper in this 21st Century, a.k.a. The Age of Mobile Phones, to save his phone bill... He is the cheapest man alive! He's the infamous stingy writer, Seon-guk! As he wrestles with his unfinished (and very delayed) manuscript, an unexpected woman moves into his house. "I'm a respected man! I cannot live with a vulgar woman like her!"